The Danish Labour Market Social security Active labour market policies Life long learning Dynamic labour market Social partners Public authorities The.


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Presentation transcript:

The Danish Labour Market Social security Active labour market policies Life long learning Dynamic labour market Social partners Public authorities The labour market

Employment Security Scale from 1-10 – the higher the number the more secure, 2001 (3,9) (4,8) (3,9) (7,0)(8,4)(7,7) (8,2) (4,4) (5,3)(6,8)(9,4)(8,6) (7,7) (8,9)

Job Satisfaction Per cent of employment, 2006

Is Globalisation a Threat or an Opportunity Scale from 1-10 – the higher the number the more secure, 2001

Average Job Tenure Years

Labour Market Regulation by law Index, the lower the number the less regulation, 2003

Regulation and Unemployment Unemployment, per cent, 2003 Employment regulation index 2003 UK IE DK AT IT FI NL BE DE SE GR FR ES PT US JP Estimated line

Flexibility in Wage Setting Per cent of employees where wages are negotiated CentrallyLocally, but minimum wage centrally negotiated Locally

Flexibility in Working Hours The 37 hours of work per week is calculated as an average over: Share of employed per cent In 1998In 2004 No flexibility 72 3 weeks to 6 months months to 11 months year or more 5677

Mobility in the Wage Distribution Per cent of emplyees in 1st wage decile who are in a higher wage decile 1 year after,

Lifelong Learning Percentage of the adult population aged 25 to 64 participating in education and training, 2006

Educational Costs at Company Level Per cent of total labour costs for educational training in private companies, 1999

Educational Attainment Per cent of labour force (25-64 year-olds) with higher education Canada USA Japan Finland Sweden Belgium Australia Denmark Norway New Zealand Korea Ireland UK Spain Switzerland Germany France Greece Hungary Mexico Canada Spain Japan Korea Belgium Finland USA Ireland Norway Sweden Australia Denmark UK New Zealand Switzerland Greece Germany Luxembourg Poland France

Learning requirements on one’s job Per cent agreeing their job requires them to keep learning new things

People on public benefits 1,000 people, 2005 Employable Less employable Job training, rehabilitation, etc. Early retirement (including year old pensioners)

Low availability of Unemployed Per cent of unemployed, 2005

Concern of unemployment People considering unemployment as one of the three main concerns of Europeans, per cent

Expenditure on Labour Market Measures Per cent of GDP, 2004

GDP per capita EU-25=100 calculated in PPP, 2005

Unemployment Per cent EU 15 Denmar k USA Japan

Employment rate Per cent of years old

Population – Working Age years old relative to entire population, index 2005=100 Western Europe Denmar k USA Japan

Satisfaction of childcare facilities Per cent saying the childcare facilities are satisfactory

The Danish Pension System Public old age pension and supplementary mandatory pension scheme (ATP) Labour market supplementary pensions Individual pensions

Confidence about the future of one’s pension Per cent confident