Iterative Image Registration: Lucas & Kanade Revisited Kentaro Toyama Vision Technology Group Microsoft Research
Every writer creates his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future. Jorge Luis Borges
History Lucas & Kanade (IUW 1981) LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Bergen, Anandan, Hanna, Hingorani (ECCV 1992) Shi & Tomasi (CVPR 1994) Szeliski & Coughlan (CVPR 1994) Szeliski (WACV 1994) Black & Jepson (ECCV 1996) Hager & Belhumeur (CVPR 1996) Bainbridge-Smith & Lane (IVC 1997) Gleicher (CVPR 1997) Sclaroff & Isidoro (ICCV 1998) Cootes, Edwards, & Taylor (ECCV 1998)
Image Registration
Applications Stereo Dense optic flow LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Applications Stereo Dense optic flow Image mosaics LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Applications Stereo Dense optic flow Image mosaics Tracking LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Applications Stereo Dense optic flow Image mosaics Tracking Recognition LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC ?
Lucas & Kanade #1 Derivation
L&K Derivation 1 I0(x)I0(x)
h I0(x)I0(x) I 0 (x+h)
L&K Derivation 1 h I0(x)I0(x) I(x)I(x)
h I0(x)I0(x) I(x)I(x)
I0(x)I0(x) R I(x)I(x)
I0(x)I0(x) I(x)I(x)
h0h0 I0(x)I0(x) I(x)I(x)
I 0 (x+h 0 ) I(x)I(x)
L&K Derivation 1 I 0 (x+h 1 ) I(x)I(x)
L&K Derivation 1 I 0 (x+h k ) I(x)I(x)
L&K Derivation 1 I 0 (x+h f ) I(x)I(x)
Lucas & Kanade Derivation #2
L&K Derivation 2 Sum-of-squared-difference (SSD) error E(h) = [ I(x) - I 0 (x+h) ] 2 x e Rx e R E(h) [ I(x) - I 0 (x) - hI 0 ’(x) ] 2 x e Rx e R
L&K Derivation 2 2[I 0 ’(x)(I(x) - I 0 (x) ) - hI 0 ’(x) 2 ] x e Rx e R I 0 ’(x)(I(x) - I 0 (x)) x e Rx e R h I 0 ’(x) 2 x e Rx e R = 0 = 0
Comparison I 0 ’(x)[I(x) - I 0 (x)] h I 0 ’(x) 2 x x h w(x)[I(x) - I 0 (x)] w(x) x x I 0 ’(x)
Comparison I 0 ’(x)[I(x) - I 0 (x)] h I 0 ’(x) 2 x h x w(x)[I(x) - I 0 (x)] w(x) x x I 0 ’(x)
Original h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h I
Original Dimension of image h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h 1-dimensional I LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Generalization 1a Dimension of image h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h 2D: I LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Generalization 1b Dimension of image h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h Homogeneous 2D: I LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Problem A LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Does the iteration converge?
Problem A Local minima:
Problem A Local minima:
Problem B - I 0 ’(x)(I(x) - I 0 (x)) x e Rx e R h I 0 ’(x) 2 x e Rx e R h is undefined if I 0 ’(x) 2 is zero x e Rx e R LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Zero gradient:
Problem B Zero gradient: ?
Problem B’ - (x)(I(x) - I 0 (x)) x e Rx e R h y 2 x e Rx e R Aperture problem: LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Problem B’ No gradient along one direction: ?
Solutions to A & B Possible solutions: –Manual intervention LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Possible solutions: –Manual intervention –Zero motion default LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Solutions to A & B
Possible solutions: –Manual intervention –Zero motion default –Coefficient “dampening” LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Solutions to A & B
Possible solutions: –Manual intervention –Zero motion default –Coefficient “dampening” –Reliance on good features LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Solutions to A & B
Possible solutions: –Manual intervention –Zero motion default –Coefficient “dampening” –Reliance on good features –Temporal filtering LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Solutions to A & B
Possible solutions: –Manual intervention –Zero motion default –Coefficient “dampening” –Reliance on good features –Temporal filtering –Spatial interpolation / hierarchical estimation LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Solutions to A & B
Possible solutions: –Manual intervention –Zero motion default –Coefficient “dampening” –Reliance on good features –Temporal filtering –Spatial interpolation / hierarchical estimation –Higher-order terms LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Solutions to A & B
Original h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h I
Original Transformations/warping of image h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )- I (x ] 2 ) + h Translations: LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Problem C What about other types of motion?
Generalization 2a Transformations/warping of image A, h)= x eR ( E [ I(AxAx )-(x ] 2 ) + h Affine: I LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Generalization 2a Affine:
Generalization 2b Transformations/warping of image A)= x eR ( E [ I(A x )-(x ] 2 ) Planar perspective: I LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Generalization 2b Planar perspective: Affine +
Generalization 2c Transformations/warping of image h)= x eR ( E [ I(f(x, h) )-(x ] 2 ) Other parametrized transformations I LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Generalization 2c Other parametrized transformations
Problem B” -(J T J) -1 J (I(f(x,h)) - I 0 (x)) h ~ Generalized aperture problem: LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC - I 0 ’(x)(I(x) - I 0 (x)) x e Rx e R h I 0 ’(x) 2 x e Rx e R
Problem B” ? Generalized aperture problem:
Original h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h I
Original Image type h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h Grayscale images I LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Generalization 3 Image type h)= x eR ( E || I(x )- I (x || 2 ) + h Color images LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Original h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h I
Original Constancy assumption h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )- I (x ] 2 ) + h Brightness constancy LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Problem C What if illumination changes?
Generalization 4a Constancy assumption h,h, )= x eR ( E [ I(x )- II (x ] 2 )+ + h Linear brightness constancy LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Generalization 4a
Generalization 4b Constancy assumption h, )= x eR (E [ I(x )- B (x ] 2 ) + h Illumination subspace constancy LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Problem C’ What if the texture changes?
Generalization 4c Constancy assumption h, )= x eR (E [ I(x )- ] 2 + h Texture subspace constancy B (x) LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Problem D Convergence is slower as #parameters increases.
Faster convergence: –Coarse-to-fine, filtering, interpolation, etc. LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC Solutions to D
Faster convergence: –Coarse-to-fine, filtering, interpolation, etc. –Selective parametrization Solutions to D LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Faster convergence: –Coarse-to-fine, filtering, interpolation, etc. –Selective parametrization –Offline precomputation Solutions to D LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Faster convergence: –Coarse-to-fine, filtering, interpolation, etc. –Selective parametrization –Offline precomputation Difference decomposition LK BAHHSTSBJHB GSICETSC Solutions to D BL
Solutions to D Difference decomposition
Solutions to D Difference decomposition
Faster convergence: –Coarse-to-fine, filtering, interpolation, etc. –Selective parametrization –Offline precomputation Difference decomposition –Improvements in gradient descent LK BAHHSTSBJHB GSICETSC Solutions to D BL
Faster convergence: –Coarse-to-fine, filtering, interpolation, etc. –Selective parametrization –Offline precomputation Difference decomposition –Improvements in gradient descent Multiple estimates of spatial derivatives LK BAHHSTSBJHB GSICETSC Solutions to D BL
Solutions to D Multiple estimates / state-space sampling
Generalizations x eR [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h I Modifications made so far:
Original Error norm h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )- I (x ] 2 ) + h Squared difference: LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Problem E What about outliers?
Generalization 5a Error norm h)= x eR ( E ( I(x )- I (x ) ) + h Robust error norm: LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Original h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h I
Original Image region / pixel weighting h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )- I (x ] 2 ) + h Rectangular: LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Problem E’ What about background clutter?
Generalization 6a Image region / pixel weighting h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )- I (x ] 2 ) + h Irregular: LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Problem E” What about foreground occlusion?
Generalization 6b Image region / pixel weighting h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )- I (x ] 2 ) + h Weighted sum: w(x)w(x) LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Generalizations x eR [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h I Modifications made so far:
Generalization 6c Image region / pixel weighting h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )- I (x ] 2 ) + h Sampled: LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Generalizations: Summary = x eR ( I( )- w(x)w(x) (x ) ) h) ( E f(x, h) h)= x eR ( E [ I(x )-(x ] 2 ) + h I
Foresight Lucas & Kanade (IUW 1981) Bergen, Anandan, Hanna, Hingorani (ECCV 1992) Shi & Tomasi (CVPR 1994) Szeliski & Coughlan (CVPR 1994) Szeliski (WACV 1994) Black & Jepson (ECCV 1996) Hager & Belhumeur (CVPR 1996) Bainbridge-Smith & Lane (IVC 1997) Gleicher (CVPR 1997) Sclaroff & Isidoro (ICCV 1998) Cootes, Edwards, & Taylor (ECCV 1998) LK BAHHSTSBJHBBL GSICETSC
Summary Generalizations –Dimension of image –Image transformations / motion models –Pixel type –Constancy assumption –Error norm –Image mask L&K ? Y n Y n Y
Summary Common problems: –Local minima –Aperture effect –Illumination changes –Convergence issues –Outliers and occlusions L&K ? Y maybe Y n
Mitigation of aperture effect: –Manual intervention –Zero motion default –Coefficient “dampening” –Elimination of poor textures –Temporal filtering –Spatial interpolation / hierarchical –Higher-order terms Summary L&K ? n Y n
Summary Better convergence: –Coarse-to-fine, filtering, etc. –Selective parametrization –Offline precomputation Difference decomposition –Improvements in gradient descent Multiple estimates of spatial derivatives L&K ? Y n maybe
Hindsight Lucas & Kanade (IUW 1981) Bergen, Anandan, Hanna, Hingorani (ECCV 1992) Shi & Tomasi (CVPR 1994) Szeliski & Coughlan (CVPR 1994) Szeliski (WACV 1994) Black & Jepson (ECCV 1996) Hager & Belhumeur (CVPR 1996) Bainbridge-Smith & Lane (IVC 1997) Gleicher (CVPR 1997) Sclaroff & Isidoro (ICCV 1998) Cootes, Edwards, & Taylor (ECCV 1998)