Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 1 XMM-Newton EPIC SW Status Guillermo Buenadicha TOS/OFX, SOC Operations Support Group MPE, 4 th May 2006
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 2 XMM-Newton Introduction SW ACTIVITIES SINCE LAST TTD –SW Versions –Pending SW activities POINTS WORTH TO FOLLOW –EPIC’s Data Handling reset procedures –NCR-42, MOS HBR buffers stack –PN quadrants remaining in SEND –S2K for the EGSE
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 3 XMM-Newton PENDING SW Activities
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 4 XMM-Newton PENDING SW ACTIVITIES One minor ECR open (implementation of HK flagging mechanism in EPDH)One minor ECR open (implementation of HK flagging mechanism in EPDH) Set of MOS Clock sequences needed to cover the redundant node readout, in case of failure. To be developed by ESAC with PI support.Set of MOS Clock sequences needed to cover the redundant node readout, in case of failure. To be developed by ESAC with PI support. Some ideas for EPEA? (EK, Mallorca 2005)Some ideas for EPEA? (EK, Mallorca 2005) Any other?Any other?
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 5 XMM-Newton EPIC DH Reset Procedures The EMDH or EPDH may halt (it happened, NCR 118) due to a SW watchdog triggering or an EDAC double bit error detection. Most likely reasons for that could be a SEU due to particle impact.The EMDH or EPDH may halt (it happened, NCR 118) due to a SW watchdog triggering or an EDAC double bit error detection. Most likely reasons for that could be a SEU due to particle impact. The expected procedure, to issue a Cold Reset TC to the RBI, does not work, since the RBI is also suspended upon the previous (source, HW/SW ICD documentation).The expected procedure, to issue a Cold Reset TC to the RBI, does not work, since the RBI is also suspended upon the previous (source, HW/SW ICD documentation). Therefore, the only way to proceed in these cases is to power off and on the unit.Therefore, the only way to proceed in these cases is to power off and on the unit. Procedural change, all the relevant CRP´s have been modified. In any case, the Cold Reset is still issued to cover other cases.Procedural change, all the relevant CRP´s have been modified. In any case, the Cold Reset is still issued to cover other cases.
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 6 XMM-Newton NCR-42 MOS HBR stuck MOS 1 SW Rev 1159 Obs ID: SOURCE: RS Oph SAS, emchain MOS 1 SW Rev 1159 Obs ID: SOURCE: RS Oph SAS, emproc MOS2, TI
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 7 XMM-Newton NCR-42 MOS HBR stuck Rev 1159, ID: , RS Oph, MOS1 in SW Rev 1157, ID: , SGR , MOS1 in Timing Rev 1171, ID: Mrk 290, MOS1 in LW Rev 1163, ID: , NGC 6543, MOS1 in FF
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 8 XMM-Newton NCR-42 MOS HBR stuck The problem is that one or several HBR´s may be penalized and not polled A buffer is not populated with new data by the Slave processor while in counting. A buffer is not populated with new data by the Slave processor while in counting. The HBR polling design was such that the buffer with higher occupancy is attended first (targeted for central). This situation triggers whenever the throughput of data in several HBR´s is high (i.e. counting) and very alike in rate. Although raised as NCR, it was rejected by LABEN and dropped: “The problem has been investigated and no S/W bugs were found” EMDH I Report.
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 9 XMM-Newton NCR-42 MOS HBR stuck The OBS gives currently no OOL to the operators, and the SAS processing does not trigger any warning. Action ongoing to identify extent of the effect on the past history of observations. Action ongoing to develop a Derived Parameter to flag the effect to the operators. No fix available (i.e. stopping and restarting obs does not solve the issue). Open to ideas that could help, further analysis to be performed (i.e. asymmetrical buffers)
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 10 XMM-Newton PN Quadrant in Send So far, we had seen many cases of PN Quadrants not responding to the IDLE TC, thus remaining in SEND mode at the end of the observation. No impact, since the situation cleared at the beginning of next observation. A case has been observed, however, where the quadrant in SEND as seen above, did not answer back to the next start OBS TC, thus leading to a situation with all quadrants in SEND, instrument in OBSERVATION mode (although NOT VALID submode), but no data transmitted. This situation was not covered by normal procedures, and no alert raised. Action placed to raise an alarm in this case, procedure to stop again and restart the observation. This case has been seen so far only in EFF.
Guillermo Buenadicha SOC Operations Support Group Page 11 XMM-Newton S2K for the EGSE The current Spare unit environment is developed ad hoc per instrument. Major problem is how to translate from spare environment procedures to flying unit ones and vice versa. Major problem is how to translate from spare environment procedures to flying unit ones and vice versa. The current environment in real operations is SCOS-2000, easier to install (previous one, SCOS-1, needed VAX, this one could in theory run Linux) Study ongoing (best effort bases, no funding) to seek the usage of S2K in the Spares; this would allow for an easier talk and crossed analysis of problems, maintain up to date the EGSE DB and even allow a remote monitoring of operations in the Spare. SPARE EGSE TM and TC DB ad Hoc FLYING UNIT S2K XMCS XSCS ODB ???