Specification of IT Systems - Group 5 Part IV – Behavior Notations Specification of IT-systems Hand-in 4 Part IV: Behavior Notations Group 5 Guðlaugur Herason Kim Pilgaard Christensen Allan Madsen Mads Dørup
Specification of IT Systems - Part IV - Behavior Notations - Group 5 State-transition table of the composite system:
Specification of IT Systems - Part IV - Behavior Notations - Group 5 Statechart representating the state-transition table of the composite system
Specification of IT Systems - Part IV - Behavior Notations - Group 5 State-transition table with stimulus-response pair of our system
Specification of IT Systems - Part IV - Behavior Notations - Group 5 Description of the assumptions of the behavior of the environment of your system:
Specification of IT Systems - Part IV - Behavior Notations - Group 5 Statechart of the workflow in a part of our system: