Social Capital experiences from west Sweden. From Dynamic Growth Capital to Social Capital Forum – ”A learning platform with the social dimension of the.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Capital experiences from west Sweden

From Dynamic Growth Capital to Social Capital Forum – ”A learning platform with the social dimension of the economy as foundation”

What will I tell? Background – Me and my region Experiences from a Social Capital project in Practice - Dynamic Growth Capital Social Capital Forum

Who am eye? Born in the north Sports Mountains - Fishing Business Culture Work Externa relationer

Västra Götalandsregionen – (Region West Sweden) Facts Largest region in Sweden 4 subregions – Responsible for Economic growth programs App people live in West Sweden Gothenburg main town – App people 49 Municpalities, out of 290 in Sweden (local governance)

Organised work devoted to the social economy started in 2001 According to the regional guidelines the significance of the social economy and its protagonists must be brought out clearly in all strategic development work and in the implementation of Vision Västra Götaland 14) Joint action with universities and schools..”The concept of social capital and the knowledge around its significance for development and growth should continue to be highlighted by means of concrete studies and development projects in the collaboration between, for example, municipalities and the higher education sector.”

From Dynamic Growth Capital – To Social Capital Forum In the beginning there was an idea about people as the main resource… Now it develops into an interactive knowledge and learning platform – It took some time…

Dynamic Growth Capital Aims 1)To increase the knowledge about social capital 2) Create a modell to be used in the rest of west Sweden for work with related issues and in similar organisation form (From analysis to implementation )

Structure of project Participants: Västra Götalandsregionen (Region of West Sweden) School of Business, Economics and Law at Gothenburg University Four municipalities in Region West Sweden participated Swedish ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions

The project group meets every other month (7-10 people) – Discussion and issues are adressed University makes a study of a choosen issue by the municipality Meanwhile a seminar is arranged in a local arena (municipality, region) for spread of information when the study is finished. The local arena has the responsibility of inviting people from its surroundings – Businesses, Associations and Locals are invited Marketing of results – Reports are spread through media, webs and through printed material. Work process in the platform

Micro projekt as method Center of Innovation – Business network Civic Sector as resource – 12 workshops Social Sustainability in School Development of Tourism network Public Health Project Ethnic minorities as resource

View of process Nov 2006 – 2010 Seminar 1: March 2007 (research oriented) Seminar 2: Sep. 07 ”Social capital in four municipalities” – Resulted in suggestions on ”microprojects” among the actors Decison on ”microprojects” among actors Example: Social networks and its influence on business climate +4 other... Seminar 3: June 08 Seminar on business climate 2 School, Health, and EU, Seminar 4: March 09 ”Entrepreneurship and Tourism” Project in practice Seminar 5: May ”Groups outside the power of networks” Conference - Urban Policies & Social Capital - September 24-26

Our defintion of social capital – It took some time to come to agreement among many actors!! Social capital exists between people and develops with time – It`a about relations Social capital is expressed through trust that is created in relations among people – Makes it agile Social capital is a resource which is built in action

Seminars – a means of transfer of ideas and knowledge between groups Example: ”Microproject Business climate in Vårgårda”, seminar on Business climate Next microproject ” Social Entreprenuership and Tourism” Seminar on Social Entreprenuership and Tourism, earlier participants are invited to a new seminar ”Microproject ” ”Microproject” ”Microproject” - Participants and knowledge is transfered to next seminar- Se. Business Cl.Se. Social Entre.Se. Outside power stru.

A future model Municipality of Vårgårda – Based on diagnosis Local Authorities Resources are build and enhanced through co-operation Civic sector Business Resources In civic sector Basic Knowledge in School Competence in Business

Reflections? related to Social Capital in practice and theory What is concrete? When does action start? What is value?

Business Value - Income Value of: Identity Happiness Inspiration Ethics Community Value


Next Step – Social Capital Forum  Just started. Build on the experiences from above  Aim:  Knowledge needs in the social economy should lead to new research programs at the 4 Universities in west Sweden  Spread of knowledge (primarily through seminars and workshops), building networks among different actors in west Sweden

Activities 2011: – 12 workshops 3 Regional seminars 1 National conference Important method in the platform In order to build links to actors in different parts of society and make them come thogether at the same time, we build our seminars on various themes and hot topics (our experience= single topics= same people meet as always