Rocks and Minerals Rocks and Minerals Fourth Grade Fourth Grade
Types of Rocks Metamorphic Sedimentary Igneous
Metamorphic Rocks Formed from pressure and high heat Quartzite Schist
Sedimentary Rocks Formed from erosion and deposition Limestone Jasper Formed from erosion and deposition Limestone Jasper
Igneous Rocks Igneous Rocks Formed by magma underground or by lava above ground Granite Pumice
Guess the rock name and type! Pumice - Igneous Quartzite - Metamorphic Schist - MetamorphicLimestone - SedimentaryGranite - Igneous Jasper - Sedimentary
Extra Credit Extra Credit -Look at your pet rock. Find out what type of rock it is. (Use the websites to help you.) -Make your own rock collection and identify your rocks. -Design a 3-D model of the rock cycle.
More Rock Resources... -See an animated version of how rocks are formed.animated version -Check out the rock cycle.rock cycle