CMS Calorimetry in the Very Forward Direction E. Norbeck, P. Debbins, and Y. Onel University of Iowa For the 23 rd Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Big Sky Montana February 2007
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa2 Outline New thoughts about magnetic monopoles (The huge magnetic field of CMS would make a monopole appear at a very forward angle with a large energy. I now claim they can’t be produced.) Detector in TAS to extend calorimeter coverage to η = 7.7
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa3 Magnetic Monopoles (Dirac) Pole strength for (Coulomb’s law) en/2α = 68.5 en n=integer (1) Make N-S pair at point where wave functions overlap Separation about one Bohr radius Assume the pair is made in a 1S H-atom type state E Sep /mc 2 = (α/2) 2 =1.33 x ~e 4 for unit charge (positronium) For magnetic atom (polium?) E Sep /mc 2 = (1/2α) 4 (α/2) 2 =(1/8α) 2 =293 NS NS NS Make NS pair from vacuum using up kinetic energy
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa4 Will never see a single pole! Bound (NS) would annihilate, but into what? Photons like e + e - ? A jet if produced in a central Pb-Pb collision? Photon jet? Hadron jet? Perhaps common in RHIC data! An excited bound (NS)* could emit (NS).
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa5 Other types of magnetic monopoles have been proposed. These considerations have been only for one (the most popular) type.
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa6 Detector in TAS Why need η coverage to 7.7? Much valuable p-p physics from diffractive processes Single diffraction—one proton scatters, the other makes reaction products Rapidity gaps—angular regions with no reaction products Different diffractive processes have rapidity gaps in different places Requires largest possible rapidity coverage
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa7
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa8 TAS 20 cm x 20 cm slot (through the TAS) IP IP5 Iron Nose
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa9 TAS 5.0 < η < 7.7 HF 3.0 < η < 5.2 CASTOR 5.2 < η < 6.3 Net TAS 6.3 < η < 7.7
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa10 For detectors in slot at shower maximum in TAS: Generate Čerenkov light in quartz fibers Run fibers to back of TAS along 18 x 46 mm instrument slot on side of TAS Place PMTs behind TAS Use same electronics as in HF Instrument only uninstalled TAS
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa11
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa12
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa13
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa14
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa15
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa16
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa17 Quartz Fibers Fibers fanned out in slot to 20 cm vertical width of slot In slot fibers will be ~ 45º to beam to maximize light. Four fiber bundles, upper and lower halves on both sides Fibers will be quartz-quartz with a polyimide buffer to be able to withstand 250 ºC 24 hr bakeout. Can stand up to 1 Grad (measured last summer by Iowa group). (Bake out may anneal out radiation damage) Ample room in 18 x 46 mm slot on side of TAS for the fibers
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa18 Photomultiplier tubes Use same PMTs as HF Or for fast timing use new Hamamatsu fast tubes with only 250 ps transit-time spread PMTs will be perpendicular to beam line at back end of TAS. Distance from TAS to allow 90º bend of fibers and provide thermal isolation PMTs will be kept cool (even during bakeout) and free of helium with a stream of air (or N 2 ) Will fringing field from magnet affect PMTs?
23rd WW 02/16/07Ed Norbeck U. of Iowa19 To see rapidity gaps there must be no more than one collision per beam crossing. Only early p-p running will have so little beam. Will ramp up to 20 collisions per beam crossing. Will a detector with η out to 7.7 be useful for heavy ions? (extremely small x- values ~10 -7 ) Welcome any suggestions. This detector could have a long lifetime, but how useful will it be after initial p-p runs?