F-MAN Meeting 10/11 April 2003 EDC Presentation EDC The TSM ground application OBT Centralised SMS hub Communications Interface Issues & possibilities Tools and implementation timing Decision SIM card specifications
TSM essential info OBT specifications Cfr. W3 TE TN 8002, as received April 2 nd 2003 from TECNO; Cfr. TRANSPORTDATA specifications, as received from TECNO after NDA exchange (essential info: messages format & structure); Messages specs for OBT’s from other manufacturers are not available yet; Messages in XML format, cfr. W3 SC TN 1029 A (from SCIRO, dd. April 4 th 2003)
Centralised SMS HUB (1)
Centralised SMS HUB (2) FTP exchange IVU / NTUA setup: FTP server software; Make IP address, Login and password available to EDC
Centralised SMS HUB (3) FTP pros and cons Pros Known technology by all parties; Propably second fastest implementation route; Connection oriented = controllable latency; Cons File oriented; Not considered “state of the art”
Centralised SMS HUB (4) SMTP ( ) exchange IVU / NTUA setup: F-MAN specific address (RFC822)
Centralised SMS HUB (6) SMTP pros and cons Pros Known technology by all parties; Propably fastest implementation route; Cons Connectionless message exchange (store and forward technology); Headers (envelopes) need to be stripped from message; Binary content base64 encoded;
Centralised SMS HUB (6) Alternative message exchange ?
Centralised SMS HUB (7) DECISION TIME In order to not compromise the projects’ deadlines, a dicision has to made ASAP; meaning now !
Centralised SMS HUB (8) Modules For 90 % based on available software and libraries – will speed up development !; SMS module (client / server daemon) for sending and receiving SMS messages; GSMlib 1.9 (1.10), based on ETSI GSM 07.07, ETSI 07.05; XML parser from CPAN (perl website), created and supported by Grant McLean (XML-Simple-2.03) Standard available mail server (SENDMAIL) and/or standard available NCFTP client / server Open JMS (Java Messaging Services) is under evaluation.
Centralised SMS HUB (9) Planning Collect missing information; Finalise SMS server XML parser (incoming / outgoing); Logging; Documentation. Message exchange setup (FTP, SMTP, ???); Beta testing with IVU and NTUA; <- mid. MAY
SIM cards … SPECS: cfr. ISO 7816 (1, 2 and 3) and ISO 7811; In the F-MAN context: To be purchased from GSM SP, thus … SIM card “oddities” have to be handled by OBT-software developers; Basically : Manufactured later than 1998; 32 K memory; NO PREPAID CARDS !