Caltech CODA Eric F. Van de Velde California Institute of Technology Faculty Board Meeting 10 February 2003
Caltech CODA Collection of Open Digital Archives Mus. A passage of more or less independent character introduced after the completion of the essential parts of a movement, so as to form a more definite and satisfactory conclusion. -- OED Almost 1300 documents available now!
Caltech CODA Theses (379) All new and a selection of old theses Technical Reports (762) CS, EERL, Paradise, LIB, GALCITFM, and others in development Conference Proceedings (110) Cavitation 2001 Books (1) Oral Histories (17) Engineering and Science articles (5)
Open Archives Initiative Data Providers Protocol to Communicate Harvest metadata Retrieve content Services that Increase discoverability (Re-)Organize content Add value
Example: Union CatalogUnion Catalog Virginia Tech and VTLS, Inc. Provides a union catalog of electronically-available theses bin/ bin/
Who may set up a repository? Everyone Open Standard Open-Source Linux-based software CLS will create repositories for any Caltech Faculty member Research group Option Division CLS commits to long-term preservation
How do I set up a repository? Talk to your subject librarian! Clear agreement on: Who may submit? Who assigns report numbers? Who decides on content of repository? Which document formats? You retain copyright
Caltech CODA: Use License I hereby grant to [Caltech] the irrevocable, non-exclusive royalty free right to reproduce, distribute, display, and perform this work in any format including electronic formats throughout the world for educational, research and scientific non-profit uses during the full term of copyright including renewals and extensions via the Digital Collections mechanisms maintained by the Caltech Library System. I also hereby grant to Caltech the non-exclusive right to sub-license these rights to others should the Institute forego the ability to maintain distribution. I warrant that I have the copyright to make this grant to Caltech unencumbered and complete. Once this paper is so published, it may not be withdrawn. With the approval of the repository administration revisions to available documents within this service will be accepted. The following Notice Concerning Terms and Conditions of Use will be included with the electronic distribution copies of the work: You are granted permission for individual, educational, research and non-commercial reproduction, distribution, display and performance of this work in any format.
Withdrawals and changes… Commitment to long-term preservation Commitment to access No dead links PURL Commitment to content quality No peer review, but… Content someone stands behind
How much does it cost? Currently: Free for Caltech-authored material submitted electronically Charge for format conversion Future sustainability: Submission and/or maintenance charge?
What kind of material? Preprints Author-formatted published journal articles Difficult to publish material Technical Reports Extensive descriptions of experimental setups Software Data files, pictures, audio, video,… WITHIN LIMITS! You tell us…
What about journals? Many publishers allow: Submission of web-published preprints Dissemination of author-formatted published articles on institutional servers Consult your subject librarian!
Why should I bother? Increased visibility of research Open Archives Initiative Google and other search engines No-barrier access to everybody Your colleagues High-school students Tax-paying citizens Developing nations Rising journal prices Restore balance in publisher-academy negotiations.
Who to contact? Librarians Kim DouglasJim O’Donnel Judy NollarGeorge Porter Hema RamachandranDana Roth Caroline SmithDaniel Taylor Me: