S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, 2007 1 BPMs and Toroids Facility Advisory Committee April 16, 2007 System overview.


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Presentation transcript:

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, BPMs and Toroids Facility Advisory Committee April 16, 2007 System overview Status Schedule

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Charge Monitoring Should be commissioning 6 toroids, 2 Faraday cups Injector charge monitor electronics installed Only 3 of 6 toroids installed IMS, IMBC1in commissioning IM01 installed but Output shorted by vacuum bolt Replace when we can break vacuum IM02, IM03, IMBC1out not installed Two Faraday cups installed FCG1 functional FC01d isabled on insertion

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Charge Monitors 4 Chan Fast Digitizer Toroids 5-8 Toroids 1-4 Toroid/Cal Cables Channel Access trig Analog Charge Values Channel Access IOC ADC EVR MPS Signals Acromag IP channel, 16- bit 8uS conv. time Raw Data LMR-400 x 8 LNA +-+- Baseline Int#1 S1S1 S3S3 S4S4 Beam Pulse Int#2 S/H S5S5 to Fast Acquisition Board for waveform capture S2S2 EVR t1t1 t2t2 t5t5 t6t6 t4t4 t3t3 Int #1 Int#2 Signal amplitude Dark Current Beam Pulse

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Toroid Dark Current Monitor

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Toroid Interior

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Results Two toroids measure charge Readings appear to jitter +-5% more than we think the beam current jitters Amp input bandwidth too high Decrease bandwidth into first amp Present bandwidth not useful May be causing several percent jitter Expect this will be resolved quickly Early indication is that an impromptu RC filter reduces jitter Will engineer proper mod to input network

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Next Phase Complete Injector installation/commissioning 7 more toroids : BC2 LTU Undulator Dump BC2 / BTH west installation design in progress

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Beam Position Monitors System overview Status Schedule

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Status Built 23 BPM processors Installed 21 BPM processors Problems remaining Parts for remaining two Commissioning software No global setup tool

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16,

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, BPM Diagnostic Panel View/ adjust BPM parameters View digitizer waveform Set attenuators Set timing Watch beam position pulse to pulse

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Orbit Plot

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Gun Jitter Beam jitter plus BPM resolution ~10 microns

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Status (cont.) Performance at least adequate for commissioning Preformance not yet well studied Just getting access to tools Correlation plots, beam synch acquisition

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Next Characterize BPM performance Establish resolution, offset, stability in operation Plan for BC2, linac BPM installation 8 BPMs per sector New environmetally-controlled racks Revise BPM processor board Fab, test, install linac BPM system this year

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Full document: PRD

S. Smith LCLS Facility Advisory April 16, Beam Position Monitor System Analog Frontend Version Three