1 June 15 / Slide 1 / Title of Document Top 10 Things Your Project Manager Should Be Telling You A TUSC PMO Presentation
2 June 15 / Slide 2 / Title of Document Top Ten Things you need to know 85% of a Project Manager’s time is spent COMMUNICATING
3 June 15 / Slide 3 / Title of Document Top Ten Things you need to know Communication Quality Not enough Information Too much Information Timeliness of Information Communication Plan Setting Expectations Who gets what and when do they get it What are the key things you should know each week What key things should be monitored monthly How much should the delivery team know How much should the management team know Is it in writing?
4 June 15 / Slide 4 / Title of Document Typical vs Critical What is Typical to hear? What is Critical to hear? Analyze the types of communication in key project areas Scope Risks Issues Cross Project Dependencies Budget Project Team Organizational Readiness
5 June 15 / Slide 5 / Title of Document Scope Management Typical Scope Management Plan What is in scope What is out of scope Log of scope changes Critical #1 How much push back are you receiving on scope? #2 What is the overall impact on the original budget?
6 June 15 / Slide 6 / Title of Document Risk Management Typical Risk Management Plan Quantification of risk Qualification of risk Mitigation plans Monitoring for new risks Critical #3 How effective have the Risk Management & Mitigation strategies been?
7 June 15 / Slide 7 / Title of Document Issue Management Typical Issue management process defined Type, Owner, Status, Resolution Issue escalation process Weekly review of issues Critical #4 How effective is the escalation process ? What issues have been escalated Did escalation process help to resolve the issue Are there patterns to the types of issues needing escalation What types of issues are not being resolved
8 June 15 / Slide 8 / Title of Document Project Dependencies Typical Identify the dependencies within the project Project level - Critical Path awareness Critical #5 What other projects have the ability to impact this project’s success What is the critical path for the entire organization How are cross project dependencies tracked Who has the ability to resolve grid lock How are dependency-level conflicts resolved Is there an organizational level steering committee
9 June 15 / Slide 9 / Title of Document Budget Management Typical Overall Budget Weekly burn-rate (Actuals) Critical #6 Budgetary view of Project progression Actuals vs Budget – to –date Estimate at completion Earned Value Can it really be calculated What level makes sense
10 June 15 / Slide 10 / Title of Document Team Management Typical Team roster Team turnover Critical #7 How effective is the team Internal Factors that contribute Skill Sets, Personality Conflicts, Attitude, Stress Levels Unrealistic deadlines Frequent changes to requirements External Factors that contribute Travel & commuting issues The right Tool for the job Team Space & Meeting facilities
11 June 15 / Slide 11 / Title of Document Quality Typical Number of defects found in testing Number of defects found once in production Critical #8 Quality of Deliverables What is the Quality Management Plan How is quality measured How frequently is it measured Are there patterns that identify quality issues
12 June 15 / Slide 12 / Title of Document Organizational Readiness Typical Change Management Plan Critical #9 How accepting is the organization to change How Effective is the Change Management Team How much push-back is the organization providing ○ Excessive number of Scope changes ○ High-levels of absenteeism ○ Delays in User Acceptance ○ High-level of turnover Change Is a Good Thing I Love Change
13 June 15 / Slide 13 / Title of Document Organizational Readiness #10 How ready is the organization to support the program once it is in production Operational processes and monitoring ○ Who will monitor process ○ Who will monitor data ○ What is the process for logging post-production issues Ongoing Maintenance ○ Who will address post-production issues ○ Who will be able to enhance application when business rules change
14 June 15 / Slide 14 / Title of Document The Top 10 in review Critical Review Point Project Initiation * Project Execution Project Closure Scope Containment w/in OrgOnceMonthly Scope Impact to ProjectMonthlyOnce Risk Mitigation EffectivenessOnceMonthly Issue Escalation EffectivenessMonthly Cross Project DependenciesOnceMonthlyOnce Project Cost ProgressionMonthly Team EffectivenessQuarterly Quality of DeliverablesOnceMonthly Organizational Change AcceptanceMonthly Organizational ReadinessOnceMonthlyWeekly * Assumes a project timeline of 6 months or more.
15 June 15 / Slide 15 / Title of Document A TUSC PMO Presentation Top 10 Things Your Project Manager Should Be Telling You References: A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK Guide). 3 rd Edition, Nov Project Management Institute, Pennsylvania, USA Just Enough Project Management, Curtis R. Cook, McGraw-Hill, 2004
16 June 15 / Slide 16 / Title of Document Thank You