The New DoD-Stevens-USC SERC and Collaboration Opportunities Barry Boehm, USC USC-CSSE Annual Research Review March 9, 2010
Outline SERC Nature and Status – University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) Initial Projects and Roadmapping Approach Future Plans and Prospects Collaboration Opportunities 209/21/2009
What is a UARC? 1. University Affiliated Research Centers are “not-for-profit, private sector organizations affiliated with, or part of, universities or colleges that maintain essential research, development and engineering capabilities needed by sponsoring DoD components.” 2.They maintain long-term, strategic relationships with sponsoring DoD components in specific core areas and operate in the public interest, free from real or perceived conflicts of interest. 3.UARCs are financed through long-term, non-competitive contracts awarded by sponsoring DoD components for specific core work. Any federal entity can MIPR funding to the UARC for work within the defined core areas, subject to the agreement of the UARC’s sponsors. 33/31/09
1.Johns Hopkins University APL; 4,300 people; annual funding $680M 2.UC Santa Cruz with NASA Ames – information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, computer science, aerospace operations, astrobiology, and fundamental biology. Has a Systems Teaching Institute with San Jose State University and UCSC to teach through hands on experience on research projects. 3.Penn State University Applied Research Laboratory for the Navy with focus on undersea missions and related areas; strategic partner with NAVSEA and ONR; established 1945; has >1000 faculty and staff 4.University of Washington APL – acoustic and oceanographic studies ; established in UC Santa Barbara Institute for Collaborative Biotechnology – Army Research Office; partnered with MIT and Cal Tech – focus on biologically-derived and biologically-inspired materials, sensors, and information processing … 6.University of Texas UARC started in 1945 focuses on sonar, acoustics, software system research, satellite geodesy, active sonar, …; now has 600 people on staff 7.USC Institute for Creative Technology – US Army; focus on virtual reality multimedia applications for training, C4ISR 43/31/09 Several other UARCs
Auburn University Air Force Institute of Technology Fraunhofer Center at UMD Georgia Institute of Technology Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) Naval Postgraduate School Pennsylvania State University Lead organizations Southern Methodist University Texas A&M University Texas Tech University University of Alabama in Huntsville University of Maryland University of Massachusetts University of Virginia Wayne State University Members As the DoD Systems Engineering Research-University Affiliated Research Center, SERC will be responsible for systems engineering research that supports the development, integration, testing and sustainability of complex defense systems, enterprises and services. Its members are located in 11 states, near many DoD facilities and all DAU campuses. 09/21/20095 SERC Organization
Dr. Dinesh Verma Executive Director Dr. Art Pyster Deputy Executive Director Stevens’ School of Systems and Enterprises will host the SERC at Stevens’ Hoboken, NJ, campus. Stevens’ faculty engagement will be complemented by a critical mass of systems engineering faculty at USC. A fundamental tenet of SERC is its virtual nature – each of its 19 members will be a nexus of research activities. All research projects will be staffed by the best available researchers and graduate students from across the members. Pool of more than 140 Senior Researchers and hundreds of research faculty and graduate students from across members Doris Schultz Director of Operations Dr. Barry Boehm Director of Research 3/16/20096 SERC Organization - II
Rough Financial Model Minimum of $2M/year – Can add more funded tasks within contract First year: two specified tasks – 1. SE Effectiveness Measurement: EM (USC lead; $500K) – 2. SE Methods, Processes, Tools Assessment : MPT (Stevens lead; $350K) Both also including UMaryland-FC, UAlabama-Huntsville Second-year tasks underway Other Govt. sponsors can sole-source through UARC – $1.2M on the books – Another $1M/year sponsor in the works – Second-year near $4M/year; $8M expected for third year 709/21/2009
Outline SERC Nature and Status Initial Projects and Roadmapping Approach Future Plans and Prospects Collaboration Opportunities 809/21/2009
SEPRT Seeks Performance Evidence That can be independently validated 09/21/20099
SECRT Seeks Competency Evidence That can be independently validated 09/21/200910
EM Processes and Tools Help Enable MDAP Transformation Implements spirit of July 2009 Augustine BENS Report Adversarial MistrustCollaborative Trust-and-Verify Unvalidated Requirements Unvalidated RFP SOWs Under-resourced Fixed Price Build-to-Spec contracts Under-resourced SE GAO Reports: $300 Billion/yr Cost growth, 22 months delay Evidence Reviews Evidence Reviews Evidence Reviews Competitive Prototyping Rounds Feasible Rqts., Solutions, Plans Realistic Contract, Feasible Staffing, Change Adaptation Timely, Affordable, Achievable Systems Evidence Reviews 09/21/200911
12 #Topic Lead School Collabo -rators Description 1 Graduate SE Body of Knowledge and Reference Curriculum (Pyster) StevensNPS Create mature SE BoK and graduate reference curriculum with broad community involvement 2 Modular Reconfigurable Architecture for SE Knowledge Dissemination StevensMS&T Create way to rapidly publish and maintain currency of SE artifacts and other documents, extensively tailoring them to audience 3 Rapid CONOPS Development Environment for Agile SE (Cloutier) StevensTAMU Develop approach to quickly construct a CONOPS that strongly informs all key stakeholders and can evolve quickly and easily – lead to coordinated RTs 4 Developing SE Technical Leaders (Farr) StevensWSU Create way to educate SE technical leaders rapidly and effectively using innovative educational technologies 5 SE Implications of Evolutionary Acquisition (Boehm) USC Define needed SE MPTs for evolutionary acquisition in the context of new and emphasis on early SE, systems of systems, competitive protoyping 6 Software Metrics for Future Defense Cost Analysis (Boehm) USC NPS SMU Create improved ways to cost complex software-intensive systems, especially systems of systems 8 Early Exploration in Security Systems Engineering Stevens UVA, USC Create a roadmap of research on security SE 9MPT Extension (Turner)StevensSeveral Continue efforts to explore agile MPTs identified in the original MPT TTO with focus on those applicable to NSA 10 Early Exploration in Systems Engineering Transformation (Wade) Stevens USC PSU Create a roadmap of research to transform SE into a much faster, more responsive discipline 13 Annual SERC Research Review (Pyster) Stevens USC PSU Hold a two-day event for all collaborators to interact on their research 09/21/2009 Current RTs now underway
Roadmapping RTs 1. Establish a small lead team to craft a series of white papers more fully characterizing a major research area. 2. Gradually draw in additional team members to mature the white papers. 3. Hold an invitation-only workshop of people from across the SERC collaborators, sponsors, potential funders and adopters, and key technologists to validate the white papers and craft a research roadmap that will spawn multiple coordinated Research Topics. 4. Publish results of roadmapping workshop as polished professionally edited SERC report. 5. Execute roadmap, revisiting it periodically. 6. First example of this approach at midpoint- SE Transformation – with NSA as sponsor. Security SE underway. Others in work: Improving and valuing system flexibility; SE implications of evolutionary acquisition; Accelerating SE learning via game technology; Systems Engineering /21/
Outline SERC Nature and Status Initial Projects and Roadmapping Approach Future Plans and Prospects Collaboration Opportunities 1409/21/2009
15 #Topic Lead School Collabo- rators Description 12 System Readiness Level (Sauser) StevensTAMU Explore the equivalent of technology readiness levels, but for systems integration and other facets of engineering maturity 14 Exchange of SE Data (Dagli)MS&TSeveral Explore ways to enable systematic data exchange of SE data among DoD programs using AP-233 and similar standards 15EM: Extension (Boehm)USCSeveralExtend and transition research begun under EM TTO 16 SE Development Experience Accelerator (Wade) StevensSeveral Significantly reduce the amount of time it takes for an SE to become proficient 17Management (Pyster)StevensUSCManage SERC operations 18 Valuing and Improving DoD Systems Flexibility (Boehm) TAMUSeveral Develop architectural and other approaches to enabling change adaptive systems 19STEM SE Initiative (Pyster)TBDSeveral Develop educational research pilots for emphasizing SE in Science, Technology, Engr, and Math (STEM) Initiative 09/21/2009 RTs expected to be awarded FY10 will likely emphasize: strong execution of work just beginning new work from (a) Roadmapping RT spinoffs and (b) tasks paid for at least in part by non-core funding Strong support from new DDR&E Zach Lemnios at recent SERC Research Review Systems Engineering 2020 initiative being defined
Collaboration Opportunities Security SE roadmapping and followons – Participation in workshops, pilot activities Other roadmapping tasks and workshops – Improving and valuing system flexibility – Accelerating SE learning via game technology – Agile-SE transformation – Systems Engineering 2020 Piloting, evolving emerging SERC methods, processes, and tools – SEPRT, SECRT tools, report, and users’ guide on ARR web site Industry collaboration mechanisms being explored – E.g., pre-competitive Cooperative R&D Initiatives (CRADAs) 09/21/200916