1 4 - Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit 74HC/HCT181 Aruna Ketaraju Sowmya Paramkusam Balakrishna Peddireddi Advisor: Dave Parent 12/06/2004
2 Agenda Abstract Introduction Design Process Methodology Logic Verification Worst-case Delay Calculations Results Cost Analysis Conclusions
3 Abstract We designed a 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit that operates at 200 MHz and uses 20.3W/cm2 of Power and occupies an area of 710x340 m2. Full look-ahead for high speed operation on long words. Arithmetic operating modes: -Addition, Subtraction Logic function modes: - NAND, AND, OR, NOR, EX-OR, Comparator plus ten other logic operations.
4 Introduction The 74HC/HCT181 is a 4-bit ALU. Controlled by S0, S1, S2, S3, M. For M = High, Logical operations are performed For M = Low & Cn = High, Arithmetic operations are performed. It can perform 16 arithmetic and 16 logical operations.
5 Design Process Methodology of the ALU Sizing Transistors through the use of analytical equations. Cell-based circuit implementation. Simulation. Layout. Design Rule Check. Layout versus Schematic Check. Extraction. Post Simulation
6 Logic Diagram Philips 74HC/HCT181
8 DFFs DFFs are placed on either side of the combinational logic. The DFF drives a load of 14.5fF and based on that the Wns and Wps are calculated. The set-up and hold-times are.59ns and.63ns respectively.
9 Note: All widths are in microns and capacitances in fF LOGIC LEVELS GATECg to Drive # Cdn’s# cdp’s#Ln’s#Lp’sWn (hc) Wp (hc) Wn (s) Wp (s) Cg of Gate 1INV(buffer) INV(buffer) NOR NAND XOR XOR INV NAND NOR NOR NAND NOR INV NAND INV INV(buffer) INV(buffer) Longest Path Calculations
11 S3S2S1S0 LLLL LLLH LLHL LLHH LHLL LHLH LHHL LHHH HLLL HLLH HLHL HLHH HHLL HHLH HHHL HHHH Logic (M=H) Arithmetic (M=L, Cn=H) A’A (A+B)’A+B A’BA+B’ Logical 0Minus 1 (AB)’A plus AB’ B’(A+B) plus AB’ A xor BA minus B minus 1 AB’AB’ minus 1 A’+BA plus AB (A xor B)’A plus B B(A+B’) plus AB ABAB minus 1 Logical 1A plus A A+B’(A +B) plus A A+B(A+B’) plus A AA minus 1 Functions performed by ALU
12 Logic Verification
14 Verification LVS REPORT
15 Worst-case Delay Calculations Longest Path is between B2 and A=B. The test vectors to calculate the worst-case propagation delay are: A0, A1, A2, A3, B0, B1, B3, S1 = 0; M, Cn = 1; B2 = toggle;
16 Simulations
17 Cost Analysis Time spent on each phase of the project –Verifying logic : 3days –Verifying timing : 7days –Layout : 15days –Post extracted timing : 7days
18 Lessons Learned Every PMOS should be in contact with n-tap. Never route with poly. The input data shouldn't near the clock rising edge.
19 Conclusions 4-bit ALU has been simulated and verified Frequency, area and power specifications have been met.
20 Acknowledgements Thanks to Cadence Design Systems for the VLSI lab Thanks to Synopsys for Software donation Thanks to Prof. Parent for his support and guidance in each and every step of the project.