6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 1 Partnering with the Internet to Enhance English Teaching: Critical Links and Tipping Points I am always doing what I cannot do yet, in order to learn how to do it. Vincent Van Gogh
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 2 Virtual Mind Reader
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 3 Reading Skills Needed Find appropriate information to read by searching the Internet Find appropriate information to read by searching the Internet Evaluate the source of information Evaluate the source of information Determine whether to follow hyperlinks Determine whether to follow hyperlinks Decide whether to save or catalog information for later access Decide whether to save or catalog information for later access
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 4 Writing Skills Needed Incorporate text, graphics and audio into multimedia pages for the Web Create and make effective use of hypertext links to convey the message Tailor the writing an Internet audience that may be largely unknown Use appropriate pragmatic strategies for the intended electronic forum
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 5 Viktoriya’s Web Page
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 6 The Digital Disconnect The quality of their Internet-based assignments was poor and uninspiring. They want to be assigned more--and more engaging--Internet activities that are relevant to their lives. The digital disconnect: the widening gap between internet-savvy students and their schools. Available online at:
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 7 The most important staff development features include: Opportunities to explore, reflect, collaborate with peers, work on authentic learning tasks, and engage in hands-on, active learning. In essence, the principles for creating successful learning environments for children apply to teachers as well. Cradler, J. ( ). Effective Integration. Learning and Leading with Technology 30 (4) Available online at:
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 8 Integrating the Internet into the Classroom
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 9 Nicenet Discussion Forum
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 10 Tapped In
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 11 Webheads in Action
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 12 Pull out, Betty! Pull out!... You’ve tapped into the Internet!
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 13 The M.I.T. Tamed Fire Hose
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 14 Categories for Organizing Web Content by Tom March Enrichments Enrichments References References Resources Resources Lessons Lessons Tools Tools Projects Projects Activities Activities
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 15 Blue Web’n
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 16 Marco Polo
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 17 OELP Online English Language Center
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 18 Shovelware Bob Soule The extent to which a student gains the same pedagogical benefit from a printout of your Web resources as from the resources themselves is the extent to which you have done nothing of pedagogical value by using the Web. Alistair Fraser
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 19 Web Evaluation - A Dangerous Example
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 20 The Humanitarian Aspect If education is to be truly liberating, it must focus upon the existing situation of people, allowing them to reflect upon their condition and empowering them to change it. --Paulo Freire
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 21 The Hunger Site
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 22 Digital Vision Program
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 23 Bollywood Jukebox for Literacy SLS-Same Language Subtitling SLS-Same Language Subtitling Objective: Increase Literacy in India Objective: Increase Literacy in India Subtitle lyrics of music videos on T.V. Subtitle lyrics of music videos on T.V. Subtitles and audio in same language Subtitles and audio in same language 150 million viewers weekly 150 million viewers weekly 90% of viewers prefer programs with SLS 90% of viewers prefer programs with SLS Here’s an example of SLS Here’s an example of SLSexample of SLSexample of SLS
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 24 Critical Links Internet is more than computer network Internet is a network of people Unparalleled ability to collaborate Universal Internet access does not guarantee success in education Teachers are the critical links
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 25 Role of the Teacher Teacher should not be a sage on the stage Teacher should not be a guide on the side Teacher should be an expert learner Teacher should be part of the learning process Teacher should model learning for the students Teacher should help students construct new knowledge -- Tom Carroll
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 26 The Tipping Point How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 27 The Tipping Point Critical Actors Required: Connectors - Have special gifts for bringing people together and for working well in groups. Connectors - Have special gifts for bringing people together and for working well in groups. Mavens - Possess special knowledge and are willing to share and mentor others. Mavens - Possess special knowledge and are willing to share and mentor others. Salespeople - Are gifted at persuasion and have a positive attitude when advocating for an idea. Salespeople - Are gifted at persuasion and have a positive attitude when advocating for an idea.
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 28 Tipping Point People 400 Teachers From Over 20 Countries
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 29 Helping to Negotiate the Learning Curve
6/15/05Michael Krauss - Petrozavodsk, Russia 30 Partnering with the Internet to Enhance English Teaching: Critical Links and Tipping Points Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice. Anton Chekhov Anton Chekhov russia/russiasem.htm