There are three kinds of people in this world… Which kind are you?
The things of God are inaudible, invisible and inconceivable to the Natural Man Natural man (1 Cor. 2:14) is not stupid (may be an Einstein) but is unable to see, hear or understand spiritual things (2:8) Spiritual man (verse 15) sees, hears and understands by the spirit of revelation (2:10) Carnal man (3:1-3) has sensual appetites. Lacks spiritual growth. Has no appetite for solid spiritual truth. Still on the “milk” of the scriptures, and can be childishly demanding.
Are you spiritual? Or are you the ‘average’ Christian? The spiritual person interprets spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. (2:13) The spiritual person is not understood by the natural person, and is rejected by the carnal person, who is selectively possessive (1 Cor. 3:4) The spiritual person “owns” and embraces “all things”, i.e. all ministries (1 Cor. 3:22)
“DID YOU HEAR THAT?” (John 12:28-29) Jesus heard his Father’s voice speaking to him from heaven. He understood every word because he was spiritual. You can become spiritual, as you get to know your Father. Some heard what they thought was thunder. They were natural and had no spiritual understanding. (“Is there a storm coming?”) Others said “An angel has spoken to him.” These were neither spiritual nor natural, just carnal. They knew something had been said. Religious people would say much the same. “DID YOU HEAR THAT?” (John 12:28-29) Jesus heard his Father’s voice speaking to him from heaven and understood every word, because he was spiritual. You can become more familiar with your Father’s voice by becoming more familiar with your Father, through the revelation of Himself in His Son.
Not supernatural but simply natural. Some heard what they thought was thunder. They were simply natural and so had no spiritual understanding. (“Might be a storm coming.”)
Spiritual or religious? Others said “An angel has spoken to him.” Neither spiritual nor natural, they were carnal. They knew that something had been said, but not who had said it or what had been said. Christians who are more religious than spiritual say this half-spiritual kind of thing.
A definition of “average” is: “The best of the worst and the worst of the best.” Don’t be an “average” Christian, be a spiritual Christian who can see the invisible, hear the inaudible, and grasp the inconceivable!