EDIT needs biodiversity information standards The BGBM Berlin-Dahlem EDIT Team
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 EDIT Network of Excellence in the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission 21 major natural history institutions (incl. 2 from the US and 2 from Russia) and several organisations 5 year project, started 2006, 11.9 Mio Euro Reduce fragmentation, encourage durable integration of institutions, promote collaborative research using biodiversity informatics
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 EDIT and biodiversity informatics Creating the Internet Platform for Cybertaxonomy The platform is to support the taxonomic work process by means of applications and services Institutional integration through communication and specialisation of IT departments and formal agreements
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Practical focal points Revisionary taxonomy –Collaborative and individual taxonomic research Inventories and monitoring –Taxonomist’s field work Infrastructures –Taxonomic backbone (European and local checklists) –Use of specimens –Literature access –Geographic services
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Building the platform Build on existing applications and services vs. designing a new architecture Towards decoupled components Full interoperability through the use of standard interfaces Multiple components varying in complexity acc. to user needs Every component may be an (desktop or web) Application for human users or a (web) Service for machines No single user interface
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Platform Components
Community components
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Community Components A community is delimited by –taxonomic groups, e.g. Diptera –geographic focus, e.g. an ATBI site –applied focus, e.g. invasive species Collaboratively managing data (but also may be a single user)
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Common Data Model (CDM) UML class model covering all core data areas Semantically aligns with TDWG ontology and standards like TCS, SDD, ABCD & DarwinCore Offers versioning of data Use of Enterprise Architect to create Java source code
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Community CDM Store Central datastore for a community Webservices on top of CDM library –remote API –sync API –RSS search feeds Other services –Converter services to/from TDWG Ontonlogy (LSID Vocabularies) –Community CDM Store exposes data through LSIDs as TDWG RDF –Annotations
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Why Yet Another Model ? No integrated standard available. TDWG RDF ontology closest to our needs, but lacks cardinality Implementation model provides – Application logic & constraints – Strongly typed data & interfaces – Operations
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 CDM Java Library Persistent domain model –Hibernate & Spring framework –Domain POJOs –XML marshalling –Validation logic Several APIs Flexible RDBMS backend –Including embedded DBs Versatile use in many apps –Community store –Taxonomic editor –Converter services
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 CDM Roadmap 4Q/ frozen UML model –feed results into TDWG –new CDM release not before end of Q/ Software release –CDM library –Community store
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Community Webtools Customisable Drupal website –Webpages, forum, blog, calendar –Flexible design through themes –Simple image & document hosting Dataportal –Publishes CDM store –Concurrent concepts –Allows annotations –Drupal module
Central(ised) components
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Platform Components
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Central Components: Converter Services CDM to/from –TDWG Ontology RDF –NEXUS –TaxonX –Special Word format –Checklists as CSV –… Needs thinking of services standard
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Central Components: Geo Services Map services –Occurrence points –Distribution per region presence/absence Online GIS Client –Multi species –Targeted at ATBI sites Occurrence2Distribution transformation service Input for Geospatial IG
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Central Components: RSS Search Feeds Search for –Occurrences in GBIF –References in ViTaL –Taxa in Species2000 –Agents in ExpertsDB Subscribe to searches Use any RSS client or the webtools
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Central Component: Experts DB Taxonomic Expertise in Europe –Personal data –Institutional links –Geographic focus –Taxonomic focus Drupal website TDWG standard?
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Central: Service & Application Tracker Find applications, services and courses Categorised reviews –tax, bib, geo, etc. Open for comments
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Central Component: Security Common security framework –secures web- services & applications EDIT Identity Provider installation –central Authentication / SSO –serves user data from ExpertsDB incl. metadata Drupal auth module developed
“Personal“ Components
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Platform Components
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 Taxonomic Editor Eclipse Rich Client Platform –powerful GUI widgets –richer than web2.0 –Bioclipse plugins for genetics & biochemistry Uses local CDM library –embedded or network database Offline work possible through syncing with CDM Store
WP 5 TDWG Annual Meeting, Bratislava, September 17, 2007 TDWG 2007 Andreas Kohlbecker Andreas Müller Dave Roberts Dave Taylor Elise Kuntzelmann Franck Theeten Eduard Stloukal Graham Higley Julius Welby Lutz Suhrbier Malte Ebach Markus Döring Neil Thomson Patricia Mergen Pepe Ciardelli Pere Roca Walter Berendsohn Yde de Jong Anna Weitzman Chuck Miller Martin Pullan
Thank you WP 5