Fractions are Easy A FRACTION is part of a whole. It’s made of two parts. Numerator – tells you how many equal parts you have. Denominator – tells you how many equal parts make one whole unit.
In order to express a quantity in the form of a fraction you need to know: How many equal parts make one whole unit. EXAMPLE Express 9 hours as a part of a day Fractions are Easy Since there are 24 hours in one day. Than 24 will be the denominator. Therefore 9 hours is the numerator
Fractions are Easy EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS are fractions that have the same value. Since the same amount is shaded in each of the three rectangles, they are all equal but are described differently.
Can we determine if fractions are equivalent without having to draw pictures? Fractions are Easy ***The numerator and the denominator seem to be multipied by the same number…. Do you know what that number is? YES, because equivalent fractions are related.
Fractions are Easy How do we make equivalent fractions? Multiply BOTH the numerator and denominator by the SAME number.
Fractions are Easy Generate two fractions equivalent to 3/5. * HINT: Pick a number and multiply the numerator and denominator by it. If you picked : 2 your results should be 6/10 3 your results should be 9/15 4 your results should be 12/20 5 your results should be 15/25 6 your results should be 18/30 7 your results should be 21/35 8 your results should be 24/40 9 your results should be 27/45
Fractions are Easy Reducing fractions- ( is the opposite as equivalent fractions ) You divide the numerator and the denominator by the same number. To divide a fraction you have to know how to factor because you must find the largest common factor for BOTH the numerator and denominator. 8 = 2 x 2 x 2 12 = 2 x 2 x 3 The largest common factor is 2 x 2 = 4
Fractions are Easy Reducing fractions: Since we know that 4 is the largest common factor of 8 and 12, we can divide by 4.
Fractions are Easy Mathematically, when we multiply or divide the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same number, we are actually multiplying by 1 Therefore, we are not changing the value of the original fraction, we are just changing what it looks like.