Social Capital The ability of people to work together for common purposes in groups and organizations. Stresses reciprocity and duty toward the community based on habit, moral obligation, voluntary cooperation rather than rational calculation. “Capital” in the sense that repeated tests and demonstrations of trustworthiness create a propensity to trust within a community. A society typified by generalized reciprocity operates more smoothly and requires fewer formal enforcement mechanisms, and therefore lower B
Olson & Olson’s key findings Common ground: characteristic of players Coupling: characteristic of the work Collaboration readiness Technological readiness
Some Key Findings re Groups and Cooperative Work More difficult to establish trust in online settings than face to face, happens more slowly, more defections Trust is facilitated by informal interaction, which is easiest face-to-face. Face to face interaction enables participants to gather non-verbal clues about the other person; results in better acquaintance and reduced social distance; and the discovery or creation of common ground Electronic methods of getting acquainted can be helpful. Richer channels are more effective than text-based; more information, cognitive and affective, and cultural and personal cues.