Grouping for Instruction Group IRI (leveled materials) Cluster Analysis (curricular focus) Scattergram (multiple measures)
Group IRI We have learned about the IRI as a diagnostic tool for individuals. IRIs can also be adapted for use with groups and many basal reader systems include written IRI assessment like the one on the right. Students read passages and answer multiple choice questions. As in oral IRIs students read and respond to multiple passages that become increasingly difficult. The goal of these grouip IRIs is usually to place students in appropriately leveled text.
Group IRI Exercise Print out the Group IRI Exercise handout. Use the data presented to assign students to 5 different reading groups, including:Group IRI Exercise handout Below 3 2 Level 3 2 Level 4 Level 5 Above level 5
Cluster Analysis Example A cluster analysis makes use of scores in teachable areas. In this example, we have stanine scores for students in auditory discrtimination, phonic analysis, structural analysis, auditory vocabulary, & reading comprehension. Stanine scores of 1-3 are usually considered “below average”, 4-6 “average”, and 7- 9 “above average.” The example chart identifies scores of 1 or 2 in red and scores of 3 in blue. The red and blue marks can be used as a basis for grouping students for instruction in these teachable areas.
Cluster Analysis Exercise Use the data presented in this Cluster Analysis Exercise handout to put students in special instructional groups targeting Structural Analysis, Literal Comp., Inferential Comp., and Vocabulary.Cluster Analysis Exercise handout Follow the instructions on the handout when making your grouping decisions.