Graphics&Design Correction and Adjustment - Creative: colour & tone, dust & marks, sharp Tech: Gamma, Histograms, & Convolution
Graphics&Design colour & contrast levels curves hue & saturation channel mixer
Graphics&Design gamma curves Equivalent to Brightness & Contrast ‘brightness’ - loss of highlight detail ‘darken’ - loss of shadow detail ‘increased contrast’ - loss of both
Graphics&Design gamma curves & levels Improved using Curves ‘brightness’ - loss of highlight detail ‘gamma curve’ - retains shadow & highlight detail Levels histogram - sample with ‘eyedroppers
Graphics&Design dust & scratches Original ‘Old Image’ damaged with scratches and other age marks Partial restoration with Dust & Scratches filter. Some loss of definition - (note blurred tie.) Complete restoration with ‘Heal’ brush. A similar effect could be obtained from the Stamp tool
Graphics&Design Technical - Unsharp Mask Unsharp mask - masks the ‘unsharp’ bits uses a ‘convolution’ filter to detect edges Uses the edges to make mask Increases contrast in masked area OriginalConvolutionUnsharp maskingCustom filter