A Study of Anomalous Production of Z-bosons with High Transverse Momentum at the Tevatron. Alexander Paramonov The University of Chicago For the CDF Collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

A Study of Anomalous Production of Z-bosons with High Transverse Momentum at the Tevatron. Alexander Paramonov The University of Chicago For the CDF Collaboration

Motivation The W and Z bosons are coupled to the electroweak sector of the Standard Model and therefore decays of heavy quarks would produce high-Pt W’s and Z’s (e.g. t → b +W). A heavy particle with a new quantum number decays only electro-weakly ( e.g. t → b + W), however it can be produced strongly. Bjorken’s ( and Pakvasa + Tuan) and J. Rosner’s heavy quark(s) production ( e.g. hep-ph/ ), where Q → Z + d Extra dimensional models. ( Z(1) → Z(0) + G,...) Supersymmetry ( X˜ → Z +...)

Introduction This is a broad search for the Z-bosons produced with large transverse momentum (~ GeV) in association with additional reconstructed objects (e.g. leptons, photons, jets, B- hadrons, large transverse energy, or large missing energy). For now we only inclusive search Z-bosons are reconstructed in Z→ee and Z→μ μ modes. For now we present cross-section limits only for inclusive production of Z-bosons. The observed transverse momentum spectra of the Z’s are compared with the corresponding Standard Model predictions to extract limits on anomalous production of the Z-bosons

Inclusive Z → ee vs. Theory

Inclusive Z →μμ vs. Theory

Additional signatures: Z + Photon

Limits on Anomalous (extra) inclusive Z-production Z -> eeZ -> mu mu

Summary Any new heavy particle with a new quantum number would produce extra Z and W bosons with large transverse momentum. We measure cross-section limits on inclusive production of Z-bosons which can be applied to new theories by taking into account the acceptances of the SM-produced Z’s and anomalously-produces Z’s. We calculate the cross-section limit for the Bjorken’s model of 300 GeV quarks to be 0.35 pb for Z →ee channel.