The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round
Wheels Suppose we know the diameter, d, of a tire… what other properties of the tire can we compute? The radius is r=d/2 The circumference is The area is Let’s Look More Closely at this
Motion of a wheel Question: When a wheel rolls along the ground, how can we relate how far it goes to how many turns it makes?
Motion of a Wheel (another way of looking at it) Question: What distance does a wheel travel in one turn? Answer: The distance traveled in one turn is equal to the circumference of the tire!
Thought Experiment Suppose you are riding a bike with a tire radius of 15 inches and your friend’s bike’s tire radius is 19 inches. If you are going on a one mile bike ride together, whose wheels will make more turns?
Thought Experiment Explain how you would calculate the number of turns required for each bike to travel one mile (Hint: how many feet are in a mile?) Make a prediction about the number of turns required for each bike Do the calculations and see if your prediction was close!
Who makes the most turns? Let’s each calculate how many turns the wheels on our dream car would make in order to take us from the Clarkson campus to Great Escape.
Who makes the most turns? Here is a link with tire information! Search by the year, make, and model of your ‘dream car’ and choose a tire. Be sure to record the radius!tire information
Who makes the most turns If the distance from the Clarkson campus to Great Escape is 144 miles, how many turns would the wheels of your dream car make Compare your results. Who makes the most turns?