UHE Simulation Chiba U. Motivation Motivation Java class structure Java class structure Provided Methods Provided Methods Future Plan Future Plan Shigeru Yoshida Dept. of Physics CHIBA Univ. CHIBA Univ. Laguna Beach 2003 Please integrate it To YOUR library!!
Motivation.. Handle UHE(EeV ] events Include some minor interactions Include some minor interactions Update the CC/NC/Photo- Nuclear cross sections Update the CC/NC/Photo- Nuclear cross sections Capability to consider curvature of the polar ice layer Capability to consider curvature of the polar ice layer Laguna Beach 2003
e e e/ Weak Incoming Products Weak Cascades Decay Weak Pair/decay Bremss Pair PhotoNucl. Decay Pair Pair Bremss Decay Weak
Laguna Beach 2003 The Whole Structure Java_lib sources classes icecube UHE particles points interactions decay propagation numRecipes
Laguna Beach 2003 particles/ Defines particles with mass, lifetime, and energy flavor doublet e e GeV < E < 10 GeV 611 (Initial. Changeable) Particle.javaParticleArray.java
Laguna Beach 2003 points/ ParticlePoint.java Define/calculate the point vector to trace particles Define/calculate the medium(Rock/Ice) in which particles travel density, mass number, charge,... In Future... Xxxx.java Take the configuration of the Antarctica Ice
Laguna Beach 2003 interactions/ Interactions.java (abstract) Total/differential cross sections Integral differential cross sections Integral inelasticity term dd dy y Bremsstrahlung.javaKnockOnElectrons.java NeutrinoCharge.javaNeurtinoNeutral.javaPairCreation.java InteractionsMatrix.java Generate matrix of (logE), d /dy(logE)
Laguna Beach 2003
decay/ Decay.java Calculate weak decay matrix W l MuDecayMatrix.java TauDecayMatrix.java
Laguna Beach 2003 propagation/ PropagationMatrix.java Resolves the transport equation numerically Build the transfer matrix for propagation over Infinitesimal distance dX[g/cm2], first
e e e/ Weak Incoming Products Weak Cascades Decay Weak Pair/decay Bremss Pair PhotoNucl. Decay Pair Pair Bremss Decay Weak
Laguna Beach 2003 Application Example of the PropagationMatrix
Laguna Beach 2003
propagation/ PropagationMatrix.java Has a function of switching on/off any interaction channel bit6bit5bit4bit3bit2bit1bit0bit7 CCNCe+e- +-+- +-+- Knock-onBremssPhoto-Nucl ->
Laguna Beach 2003 A factor of 2 enhancement Due to the heavier lepton production
Laguna Beach 2003 numRecipes/ Integration.java Numerical Integration Methods Extended Trapezoidal rule Romberg Integration Interpolation.java Polynomial Interpolation SpecialFunctions.java Gaussian, Poisson, Gamma Function etc.. RandomDouble.java Uniform Deviates Based on “Mersenne Twister” Period 2^ dimensional equi-distribution
Future plan… Integration with YOUR code!! Detector MC on the same base infrastructure. Detector MC on the same base infrastructure. Photon Propagator. Photonics? It needs to be faster and capable of LAEGER target volume for UHE as many events OUTSIDE the instrumental volume are likely to be triggered. Photon Propagator. Photonics? It needs to be faster and capable of LAEGER target volume for UHE as many events OUTSIDE the instrumental volume are likely to be triggered. Events are horizontal/downward-going. Needs realistic mapping of the polar ice configuration in the simulation. Events are horizontal/downward-going. Needs realistic mapping of the polar ice configuration in the simulation. Reconstruction. UHE events are associated with many cascades which would cause sizable fluctuation. Reconstruction. UHE events are associated with many cascades which would cause sizable fluctuation. May need to run Geant4 for full simulation of UHE cascades and to be implemented in this library. May need to run Geant4 for full simulation of UHE cascades and to be implemented in this library. LET ‘S WORK TOGETHER!! LET ‘S WORK TOGETHER!! Laguna Beach 2003