For years they have kept you company via your TV set. They’re America’s six favorite people, and some of Hollywood’s best FRIENDS. You’ve laughed, you’ve cried, and now prepare yourself to get in the zone of… Created by: Lindsay Feldmann Homework Train
Meet Your Friends Rachael Ross Chandler Phoebe Monica Joey
F U N F R I E N D S F A C T S Other titles considered for the series included "Once upon a time in the West Village", "Insomnia Café" and "Across the Hall" Aniston’s real name is Anistropolus Cox originally read to play the part of Rachel and Aniston read the part of Monica Friends attracts on average 3 million viewers per episode Lisa Kudrow's sister, Helene Sherman doubles for Ursula's (Phoebe's twin sister) shoulder shots
Ross’ Infamous Marriages Ross CarolEmilyRachel BenEmma Explanation: A big joke on the show are the three marriages that Ross has experienced. First was Carol, his college sweetheart, who left him for another woman before the birth of their child Ben. Then Emily, a girl from England, who divorced him after a slip up during the wedding ceremony. And then Rachel, who he married inebriated in Vegas, who later had Emma, Ross’ second child.
Everyone's Favorite Friend Ross88 Joey78 Chandler77 Monica66 Rachel97 Phoebe59 Undecided35 From the 500 people polled, it looks as though Rachel is your favorite friend…
Quotes, Quotes, Quotes, and more Quotes… Joey’s Best Line Monica’s Perfect Decibel And my favorite lines… Chandler: Gum would be perfection. Monica’s Dad: Well the shoes are made of wicker. Ross: We were on a break! Ross: You’re over me? When were you under me? Rachel: Hey, just so you know: it's *not* that common, it *doesn't* "happen to every guy," and it *is* a big deal! Phoebe: See, he’s her lobster
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