Begin to note strategies and benefits as we explore the opening day Experience interaction with peers and possible future faculty members Organize for learning; critical thinking skills Use technology- and wiki Note: This ppt will be available for you at the close of class today.
Polling MRF COMMON CORE IS COMING; visit Nv Dept of Ed site ZNS – AUDITORY, GIVE ME 25, Reality check – share information with neighbor Categories Predictions Folders One minute managers Work/relax Bodily-kinesthetic Post its….. Risktakers….. Technology
Greeting – alert all to tasks at beginning of class – Lisa M Environment (2) – put room back together at 6:25- Emily Safety First – check environment for safety when we move around - Diane Summarizer – review what has happened so far when called upon - Brandi Time – use iPad to time tasks – Lisa R Copy- keep list of any pages needed - Jake Tech – have each person sign in for - Lana Clarification, please – ask for a repeat of instructions or to go over something again – Tiffany – Edit, please Distributors (2) – give out folders- Denise Dixi Alert – need to be strong and confident - Andy
Data Sheet as all enter to begin learning names Greeter outlines what is needed (sign in and manager positions)
Volunteers or risktakers - three
Post its Songs (Add) List of Topics from Syllabus Dividers Table Topics (Add)
Begin to note strategies and benefits as we explore the opening day Experience interaction with peers and possible future faculty members Organize yourself for learning; critical thinking skills Use technology- wiki and Note: This ppt will be available for you at the close of class today.
1. Age level knowledge – content awareness 2. Favorite movie 3. Why teach? 4. Psychologist names you know 5. number of courses in psych you have had – 2 had a major of 10 or more, 2 had 2 classes; 7 had 0 to 1 6. rate your organization and study skills – almost all are at 4 to 5 7. Question for Dixi
In pairs – categorize the items Report to class
Can you add to your repertoire? Reality check – talk with shoulder partner
Wiki – sign in - alone Reading – alone – highlight/discuss partner 4MAT Test (in Learning Theory section of materials) alone Poetry writing -
Hoosiers Power Teaching
One volunteer for Brain Gym teaching Ideas from chapter 1 Three insights from this class 6-8 strategies to annotate Post Power Teaching onto your page on wiki
Begin to note strategies and benefits as we explore the opening day Experience interaction with peers and possible future faculty members Organize yourself for learning; thinking skills Use technology – wiki and Note: This ppt will be available for you at the close of class today.
What is important about active learning? What skills do you want to add to your repertoire? How can you organize your time for weekly expectations (all relate to your future planning skills as a teacher)