First-Semester Writing Portfolio at Seton Hall University
Getting Started: Log into Blackboard Go to Click on MyWeb·WebMail Enter your Username and Password Click Login Click Here
Click on the “My Content” link on the Blackboard log in page If it is difficult to find the “My Content” button or you would like to make changes to your Blackboard log in page, click on the “Modify Layout” button on the top right of the screen. This will allow you to customize your page.
You are now in the Content System of Blackboard. “My Content” is similar to the hard drive on your computer. You can create folders for organization and store items such as PowerPoints, Word files, and images. When creating a portfolio you can create links to the items that you saved in “My Content”.
Organization of documents, whether on your computer in “My Documents” or in the “Content System,” is very important. Consider creating folders to store and organize your documents. This is especially important when creating your electronic portfolios, and you will see why later when you create your first portfolio. For this particular portfolio you will need to create a folder titled “ENGL0110 or ENGL0150 Reading and Writing Portfolio” (see next slide). Click here to create your folder
Name your folder “ENGL0110 or ENGL0150 Reading and Writing Portfolio,” then click “Submit.” Leave all other options on this screen as the default. Click on your folder to add your files
Click “Browse” to locate the file on your computer. Click on “+ Item” to add a file
Highlight the file that you want to add. You will be adding two essays and their first drafts, along with your in-class writing and self-assessment. Click “Open”
Click Submit to finish uploading file Do not change any of the other options that appear on this screen – leave the default settings checked.
You must repeat the “Add Item” steps until all documents required for this portfolio are uploaded to your “My Content” space, that is, the ENGL0150 or ENGL0110 essays, the first drafts, the in-class writing, and your self-assessment.
Now that your documents have been added to your “My Content” space, it is now time to create your portfolio. Click on “Portfolios”
To manage your portfolios (view, create new, or view existing), click on the “My Portfolios” link
To create a new portfolio, click on the “+ Add Basic Portfolio” button
Title your portfolio “ENGL0150 or ENGL0110 Reading and Writing Portfolio” and add a Description. Click Submit Do not change any of the other options that appear on this screen – leave the default settings checked.
Click OK to continue This is the message you should see when you have successfully created your portfolio!
Click “Modify” to access links to add content to your portfolio. This is the link to the portfolio you have just created. Click “Modify Content” to begin to add content to your portfolio (pages, links, etc.)
Click on “+ Content” to access the files in your “My Content” Type the name of the link Click Browse – it will take you to “My Content”
Click “OK” Select the folder. Click “Submit”
You have now completed the portfolio creation process! You will see the name of your link here Click OK
Sharing Your Portfolio This section will focus on how you can share your portfolio with your instructor, with the other instructor who will score you portfolio (ask your instructor), and with the director of basic skills. It is important that you follow each step carefully since the options that are available can sometimes be a little confusing!
Click on “Portfolios” Click on “My Portfolios”
Click “Share Portfolio.” Then click on “Share with Users.” Click “Modify”
Click on ”Share with Users”
Enter the portfolio scorers’ addresses: kapuscbp,wilkowbe,gallupda, sandovjo,cavagnje,jonesedm It is VERY important that you check this.
Congratulations!! You have now shared your electronic portfolio with your instructors. Teaching, Learning and Technology Center Summer, 2007