CS 376 Paper Discussion 04/02/2009 As We May Think (Vannevar Bush) Direct Manipulation Interfaces (E.L. Hutchins, J.D. Hollan, D.A. Norman)
As We May Think
Summary Vision to steer scientists after WW2 Main points: Information overload Methods of recording Methods of storage “Memex” As We May Think
Scientific Methods “Build a system”? What else? As We May Think
Then vs. Now Recording: images? voice? Internet? Storage: volume vs. bandwidth Access: hub vs. crowdsourcing As We May Think
Direct Manipulation Interfaces
Summary What underlies the feeling of directness? Main points Distance vs. Direct Engagement Semantic vs. Articulatory distance Automated behavior vs. directness Problems with Direct Manipulation Direct Manipulation Interfaces
Scientific Methods Examples: Figure 5: “water level” Page 325 (bottom) Page 329 (virtuosity) What else? Direct Manipulation Interfaces
Direct Manipulation Today Modern IDEs Eclipse, Visual Studio Bidding “agents” Ebay, stock market Stability in vehicles ESP, DSC, etc. Voice menus Direct Manipulation Interfaces
Looking Forward Linguistic interaction. Mobile computing: Social behaviors (task space?) Rotating a photo (art. or sem. distance?) Internet: Clicking a link (direct engagement?) Other examples of direct manipulation? Direct Manipulation Interfaces