The Company: More than 12 years of experience in designing, planning and construction of biogas power plants. Input of the first plants: organic waste (fats and flotates); Weser-Ems region: intensive livestock farming Biogas-boom since amendment of the EEG (law on renewable energy) in 2004 More than 250 biogas plants built Installed capacity over 140 MW el
Headquarters : biogas weser-ems GmbH & Co. KG Zeppelinring D Friesoythe Branch office Großenhain Carl-maria-von Weber-Allee Großenhain bentec bioenergies SL Calle Sant Josep, Sant Esteve d´en Bas (Girona) Spain Affiliates: Biogaz-tech Spółka zo.o. ul. Długa Jarocin Ies biogas Srl Via T. Donadon, 4 I Pordenone - ITALY The Company:
Energy For The Future Biogas versatile source of renewable energy: providing electricity and heat reduction of harmful methane emissions CO 2 neutrality environmentally friendly way of preserving resources
Biogas Flow Diagram
Planning and Project Development Project Conception Quotation Financing Assistance Approval planning
Plant Construction Building phase bwe installation teams set up the agitators, gas storage roofs and pipelines Use of low maintenance and energy-efficient agitators Connection of the high performance CHP units with engines upward of 190 kW
Technology Biogas plant User friendly process control systems Control of individual plant components and documentation of the control parameters Remote access to the control system
Natural Gas From Biogas Biogas Preparation Often there are no possibilities to use the heat economically Upgrading of biogas to natural gas quality Transportation through the existing natural gas network Alternative use as fuel for vehicles
Heat use Transportation of heat Increasing efficiency by utilizing surplus heat Use of district heating for nearby houses and stables Wide variety of possible consumers, e.g. heat for drying plants (cereals or digestate) Arbitrary choice of temperature level (default at 85 °C)
Micro-Gas Distribution System Transportation of biogas the CHP is placed next to the heat consumer transport of biogas to the CHP unit through a gas pipeline lower investment required compared to district heating more efficient use of thermal energy, no losses during transportation
7 L kW kW Energy crops 1 x Ø 23 m 1 x Ø 28 m Reference Plants Naturgas Ardorf Technical Parameters: Year of construction: Power kW el : Substrates: Digester: Post-digester: Storage:
Biogasanlagen Heinfelde (NawaRo) 7 L kW NawaRo 2 x Ø 25 m 1 x Ø 25 m Technical Parameters: Year of construction: Power kW el : Substrates: Digester: Post-digester: Storage:
Biogasanlagen Heinfelde (Kofermente) 7 L kW kW Organic Waste 2 x Ø 25 m 1 x Ø 25 m 1 x Ø 30 m Technical Parameters: Year of construction: Power kW el : Substrates: Digester: Post-digester: Storage:
Biogaspark Felgentreu 7 L 2007/08 10 x 844 kW NawaRo 10 x Ø 23 m 10 x Ø 26 m Technical Parameters: Year of construction: Power kW el : Substrates: Digester: Post-digester: Storage: