1 Owais Mohammad Haq Department of Computer Science Eastern Michigan University April, 2005 Java Script
2 Introduction Overview of JavaScript Java Script and Java
3 Overview of JavaScript Originally named LiveScript –Developed by Netscape. –Integrated to the browser –Versions moved from 1.0 to 1.5 – Language standard for JavaScript developed the late 1990’s by European Computer Manufacturers (ECMA) –Available only for Netscape –More popular.
4 Overview of JavaScript Microsoft –Internet Explorer was soon updated to support not one but two integrated languages –And one was Jscript similar to JavaScript –Internet Explorer implemented versions of Jscript that were more and more like Javascript. –Internet Explorer became the dominant browser. – Javascript had become the accepted standard for writing interactive processing to be run in the web browser.
5 Java Script and Java JavaScript –JavaScript is a scripting language. –JavaScript is not the same as Java. –JavaScript is used within HTML pages. –Used for both client side and server side –Basically used on client side –Variables need not to be declared. –Objects are dynamic –Data members and methods can change during excecution.
6 Java Script and Java Languages and shows the web users called the Clients
7 Java Script and Java Java –Java is a real programming language. –Harder to learn and developed by SUN. –Used in almost any thing –JavaScript is not the same as Java. –JavaScript is used within HTML pages. –Objects are collection of data members and methods is fixed at compile time
8 Conclusion The main similarities between Java and JavaScript is the syntax of. –Expressions –Assignment statements –Control statements
9 Contact Information: Owais Mohammad Haq –Department of Computer Science –Eastern Michigan University –Ypsilanti,MI,48197 – Web Page: Image Sources: ohttp://