Variants of parsimony Simply counting the number of changes may not be the most desirable way of calculating parsimony
Camin-Sokal parsimony change can only happen in one direction. Reversals are impossible 1
Dollo parsimony change in one direction is much more probable than change in the other direction
Polymorphism parsimony change from a polymorphic state into either monomorphic state is much more probable than change in other directions polymorphic (0&1) monomorphic (0) monomorphic (1)
Polymorphism parsimony change from a polymorphic state into either monomorphic state is much more probable than change in other directions polymorphic (0&1) monomorphic (0) monomorphic (1) polymorphism evolves
Polymorphism parsimony change from a polymorphic state into either monomorphic state is much more probable than change in other directions polymorphic (0&1) monomorphic (0) monomorphic (1) morph 0 is lost
Polymorphism parsimony change from a polymorphic state into either monomorphic state is much more probable than change in other directions polymorphic (0&1) monomorphic (0) monomorphic (1) morph 1 is lost
Multiple states changes between various states of a character are not equally likely ∞∞∞ 01-1 ∞ 1 ∞∞ -1 2 ∞∞∞ - Budget Geen items.
Multiple states ∞∞ 01-1 ∞ 1 ∞ ∞∞ 1- changes between various states of a character are not equally likely.
Weighting characters changes in some characters (or sites) may be less significant than in others. ACAGACCCTAGGTAA weight codon