1 Agenda: 09/01/2011 Finish preparing information visualization methods. Tables, diagrams, charts, bullet points Words vs. pictures vs. numbers Visualization that must stand on its own vs. those accompanied by talk. Evaluate information visualization methods. Look for level of content. Does it transmit rich content? What are the strengths/weaknesses? Are there other ways that the material could be presented? Begin to generate guidelines for information visualization. Present systems development life cycle.
To visualize means… To form a mental image of… To make perceptible to the mind or imagination. Visualization is a cognitive activity; when we visualize we perform a mental process. 2
Information visualization Definitions of information visualization related to technology: The study of how to effectively present information. The use of computer-supported visual representations of abstract data to amplify cognition (from Readings in Information Visualization). The purpose of information visualization is to help people think by providing different representations of data for differing contexts. Information visualization should help: Speed up understanding and resultant actions. Encourage innovative ways to think about the data. 3
Information visualization is design, not art Art and design are not the same. Art is valued for its originality and expressiveness. Art is valued for pushing the bounds of accepted norms and potentially expanding the definition of those norms. Design is valued for its fitness to a particular user or task. Design is valued for its effectiveness and use. Design requires that the designer know the audience, use, task, and objectives to be accomplished. 4
Guidelines for information visualization 5
6 Definition: Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) The process used to develop, implement and support a technology- based application. Process visualizations include waterfall, spiral, SCRUM, etc. Each step in the process may feed into another step. Each step may get feedback from another step.
Alternative SDLC Depiction (Boehm, 1988) 7
Steps in the SDLC – analyze the problem Project definition Identify scope, budget, goals. Identify risks, opportunities, constraints Systems analysis Understand problem to be solved. Separate symptoms from problem. Identify potential solutions. 8
Step in the SDLC – plan the solution Systems design Create detailed blueprint of the solution. Includes very detailed description of input, data and output. Design the visualization methods that are part of the solution. Design the overall programs/technology that composes the solution. Create testing specifications – how will you know the system works correctly? 9
Steps in the SDLC – create the solution Programming/Making the technology from existing tools Choose appropriate technical environment. Develop technical solution with appropriate tools and existing applications. Test technical solution in parts. Document technical solution for systems professionals. Installation Test entire technical solution. Decide how to convert data and existing processes. Help people adjust to new system. Perform training and create user-oriented documentation. 10
Steps in the SDLC – keep it going Support Assume a relatively long life span of computer applications. Even those that were developed quickly to solve an immediate business problem seem to last a surprisingly long time. Assume that the application becomes the way people do work. Ongoing training. Ongoing documentation. Ongoing testing. Ongoing changes: Government regulation changes. New business conditions. People use the application, learn new ways to complete work effectively, and then want changes to incorporate their learning into the application. 11