“Teaching the Science, Inspiring the Art, Producing Aviation Candidates!” Flight Planning Plan your flight, fly your plan Written for the Notre Dame Pilot Initiative By the Pilots of the University of Notre Dame Written for the Notre Dame Pilot Initiative By the Pilots of the University of Notre Dame
DepartureDeparture DestinationDestination Dead Reckoning 070 °
Big Picture
SBN Airport Diagram
SBN – Racetrack
Racetrack-La Porte
La Porte-Chicago Heights
Chicago Heights to Meigs
CGX Airport Diagram
Abandoned Fields
Completed Navigation Log
Flight Plan Form /U = XPDR w/Mode C /A = XPDR w/ Mode C & DME /U = XPDR w/Mode C /A = XPDR w/ Mode C & DME Direct La Porte Airport, Direct Chicago Heights VOR, Direct Destination
SummarySummary Flight Planning Profile has three parts Climb Cruise Descent Always calculate T/O & LDG data FARs require that you become familiar with all available data including airport diagrams, frequencies, and the route of navigation Flight Planning Profile has three parts Climb Cruise Descent Always calculate T/O & LDG data FARs require that you become familiar with all available data including airport diagrams, frequencies, and the route of navigation
ConclusionConclusion “Fly your desk” before you fly your plane YOU are the Pilot in Command! Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance! “Fly your desk” before you fly your plane YOU are the Pilot in Command! Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!