-1- Wang, Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA WANG, Li Institute of Cryogenics and Superconductivity Technology Harbin Institute of Technology, China MICE/Muool Coupling Magnets Progress
-2- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Contents Large Coil Test and Plan To be presented by Dr. FengYu Xu Fabrication Plan of MICE/MuCool Coupling Magnets Visits to possible collaborators in China; Request for quotations; and further technical discussions, preparation for public bidding procedure etc. MICE/MuCool Coupling Magnet Updated Design Review Done in ICST/HIT on Dec.06 to Dec.08, 2008, and further improvement has been carried out after the review according to the Close Out from the review panel (to be presented by Hong Wu/Heng Pan/XingLong Guo).
-3- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA MICE/MuCool Coupling Magnet Updated Design The updated engineering design were carried out according to the “A Technical Agreement on the MICE and MuCool Coupling Solenoid Magnet Fabrication, Assembly, Test and Shipping” issued in September, 2007 and experience learnt form test coils’ winding in collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The main differences between the previous design reviewed in May, 2007 and the updated design reviewed in Dec., 2008 mainly include: The inner radius of the coupling coil is changed from 744mm to 750mm considering very tight space on the inner side of the magnet. The coil assembly is designed different from the previous one in terms of winding, mandrel fabrication, cooling and quench protection assembly. A double-band cold mass support system is presented instead of a single-band system considering the shipping load during long-term transportation and space limitation.
-4- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Two drop-in PTR coolers are to be used for cooling the coupling magnet for the sake of easy removal from the cryostat during transportation. Thermal shields are designed to be supported from the vacuum vessel by four pairs of G-10 rods instead of being supported onto the cold mass support assembly as previous design. The cooling configuration for the warm end of the HTS leads is designed different from the previous one. Further improvement after the review To validate: Stress analyses on final coil cold mass design, mechanical (loads, stress) and thermal analyses on the current design for the coil cold mass support assembly, stress and deflection analyses on the vacuum chamber, etc. To update the following engineering design drawings: Vacuum chamber and interface, coil cold mass assembly, cold mass support assembly, etc.
-5- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Cryocoolers Power leads Cold mass supports Coil assembly He cooling pipes Thermal shields and intercepts Vacuum vessel He condenser Previous design
-6- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Cryocoolers Power leads Cold mass supports Coil assembly He cooling pipes Thermal shields and intercepts Vacuum vessel He condenser Updated design
-7- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Coil assembly and its cooling Updated design Previous design Piping: round tubing instead of type tubing; more cold surface to mount QPAssembly; more space for mounting CMSupport cold end base, etc.
-8- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Updated design Previous design Cold mass support system Single-band to double-band; space for cold end base and its strength
-9- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Large Coil Test and Plan SC splices strength test at LHe temperature The strength of SC splices soldering by Sn-Ag solder under LHe temperature is a major concern presently considering the rigorous stress state in the coupling coil because all the splices are wound inside the coil and should be tested before winding the MuCool coil according to Dr. Mike Green’s advice. ICST has performed the strength test for the SC splices at LN2 temperature and the results show its strength is close to that of the SC wire itself. ICST has prepared some of SC splices and to see if they could be tested in LBNL under LHe temperature.
-10- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Large test coil Winding of prototype coil Cryostat for prototype coil Cryo-test system Welding
-11- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Fabrication Plan of MICE/MuCool Coupling Magnets Visits to possible vendors in China last December CSRDA in Beijing Experience in: fabrication and assembly of coil mandrel & cooling tubing welding, heat shields & vacuum chamber for SSM and Ion-removal SC solenoid in BEPCII, fabrication, assembly, and maintenance of several MRI magnet systems since 1987 (winding coil, cold mass, cryostat, etc.). SINAP in Shanghai Experience in: fabrication, assembly and test of a small SC magnet (EBIT, solenoid coil ID 100mm) for Shanghai FuDan University, various advanced equipment or device for alignment, measurement and cryo-test, a set of 600W/4.5K refrigerator system etc. Request for quotation Cold mass assembly: by Jan. 17 Cryostat assembly: by the middle of February
-12- Wang,Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Possibilities to cause delays Manpower: skilled technicians and their supervisor, experienced mechanical engineers, etc. Funds: available time? Request for quotation Further technical discussions with possible vendors before public bidding for Cryostat Assembly (after Chinese Spring Festival till Feb. 1st ) are needed. Public bidding procedure At least 3 vendors and 7 days’ workday for publicity, otherwise invalid bidding; if sole source, it will take a longer time, more paper work and complicated procedure. Contract award and sign it after bidding At least one to two weeks are needed. Winter holidays in HIT: Jan. 19 to Feb. 22 No possibility for processing bidding in HIT Hopefully, to contract the first MuCool coil assembly fabrication out before or right after the Chinese Spring Festival (at latest by the middle of this February) in order to avoid more delay! Plan for Fabrication the MuCool magnet
-13- Wang, Li The 23rd MICE Collaboration Meeting to 17 HIT/CHINA Click to edit company slogan. Icst.hit.edu.cn