Procedures for Bulk Loading: Authority, Bibliographic, Holdings, and Purchase Order Records into Voyager
Planning Who needs to be involved? Systems Cataloging Acquisitions Public Services RSC Vendors
Planning Decide how you want to load the records Add Unconditionally Replace Merge Create Mfhds, purchase orders, items?
Planning Where will holdings information come from? Vendor Create during Prebulk Create during Bulk Import Create holdings tag with MarcEdit
Duplicate Detection Profiles /dbloads/dupdetect.htm Choose how you want the records loaded (add- unconditionally, replace, merge) Define which fields (tags) to use as a match point between incoming records and records in the database For merge profile, indicate which tags should be copied from the existing database record and merged with the incoming record.
Bulk Import Rules /dbloads/bulkimport.htm The loader pulls information from the Bulk Import Rules for the specific load. Type of records being loaded: bibs, auths, mfhds, P.O.’s, items, or a combination of these Duplicate Detection profile to use Item types, call number hierarchy, mapping locations, barcodes, and P.O. information
Preprocessing Programs tagchangernew.jar cjkloadernew.jar tag949buildernew.jar addlocalyale.jar addmfhdindicators.jar addmultiple 866.jar MarcEdit Prebulk Decide which preprocessing programs will be needed in order to load, match, and display the records correctly.
Uses for Prebulk dbloads/prebulk.htm Remove bad records from file before loading Strip fields from records Create an interleaved file of bibs and mfhds for loading Record count in file
Configuration Files Configuration profiles are used by Prebulk to determine how records are to be preprocessed before being loaded into production by the Bulk Import program. Configuration files are written using the vi editor on the server because they must be tab delimited. min/dbloads/configfile.htmhttp:// min/dbloads/configfile.htm
Database Loads Page (a work in progress) /dbloads/loads.htm Includes detail for each database load we are currently running More detail on Duplicate Detection profiles, Prebulk, and Bulk Import YUL Tag Table updates notes Database loads schedule More to come!