Cultural Encounters in the High Middle Ages Scholars, Crusaders, and Travelers John Cotts Associate Professor of History Whitman College
Monsters from the Hereford Mappa Mundi (c. 1290)
First Crusade,
Crusader States
Merovingian “world” map, c. 700
Ninth-century T-O map
Ninth-century T-O map, from Strasbourg
T-O map based on Sallust, c. 1150
Ninth-century “Macrobian” map
Ravenna map, c. 700
Erbstorf map, 1234
Erbstorf map, detail
Erbstorf detail
Hereford Mappa mundi, 13 th c.
Hereford detail
Blemmyae, c. 1100