Improving Transition from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to Home: Andrew South, MD, MPH Anne Ramirez, RNC, MSN
Introduction NC NICU’s care for >8000 newborns/year –Prematurity –Infection –Birth defects Survival improved Medical problems persist after the time of discharge
The Problem Poor communication between caregivers and parents Lack of parental understanding of medical conditions and implications Lack of parental confidence in caring for their infant
Family Centered Care Treat people with dignity and respect Communicate information meaningfully Encourage family participation and independence Collaboration of all involved in care to guide policy and program development and delivery of care
Family Centered Care Benefits of Family Centered Care: –Shorter length of stay –Improved satisfaction with care –Fewer re-admissions –Improved rates of breast feeding –Reduced parental stress –Improved parental comfort and competence with post-discharge care
Family Centered Care The keys: –Empowerment Day to day care Medical decision making –Motivation
HYB now: –Survey tool –Discharge only HYB future: –Survey tool –Interactive –Can be used throughout hospitalization
Potential Benefits Primary Objective: To enhance parent participation in the care of their infants Measured Outcomes: –Improved parent satisfaction –Improved confidence in caring for infants –Improved medical outcomes Re-hospitalization in the first 2 weeks after discharge