Interchanges, Arterials, And Networks Last Week
Interchanges Freeway – Multilane highway Ramps and weaves are the same Problem comes in when you have signals at end of ramps – Signals are closely spaced Can have problems with cars spilling back through intersection, signal coordination – SPUI is a solution
Arterials An Arterial (Urban Street) is made up of a series of signalized and unsignalized intersections along a multilane highway – Can include: Transit (buses or light rail), bikes, peds, cars and trucks – All modes must have a good level of service – What does that mean
Arterials LOS for transit – passengers/ seat More transit/hour – better LOS LOS Peds – distance to street, sidewalk aestetics – Wide sidewalks with a separation from street LOS for Bikes – bike lanes, on street parking, – 8 ft bike lanes, no on street parking
Arterials LOS autos – speed, delay/vehicle – 12 ft lanes, no transit, bikes, peds, on street parking Which one do you prioritize? – Students can answer
Networks Isolated intersections are nice but…. – How will your TIS project really work? – What is your expectation of how the traffic will really flow? Students can answer
Networks Simulation programs available to determine the paths vehicles will take – TransCad is one You put in origins and destinations and it determines the path Can look at congestion impacts – planning
Networks Next generation Traffic Engineers will be looking at the entire transportation network to solve congestion – NYC Congestion management program – Why not roads?
What is next? Good question – How will transportation change over next 50 years? – What will be issues? Congestion ? LEED house credit for 3 car carport Rural access? Freight operations?