Summary of text to be covered Create your own class Create and use objects of your own class Control access to object instance variables Use keyword private Create your own properties Use panel control Use string methods padLeft and Substrings
Key points Classes: Classes contain methods or variables and called members of the class e.g. in class random there is a method next which you have accessed using Each GUI control, toolbox control that you add is an instance of (an object) of that class. In other words your application is a client of that class. Keyword class and end class means start and end of the class
Chapter 19: Building your own classes and objects So far you have used classes defined in Framework class library (FCL) e.g. GUI objects, Classes String, Random, and Date When you add the GUI control to the form, an instance of that class is created Now we will create our own classes called programmer-defined classes. Classes can be reused
Microwave application A user enters the time for the microwave to cook food. To handle the time data we will create a class called Time. This class will store the number of minutes and seconds. (This will be used by the microwave application to keep track of remaining cooking time.
Microwave App Add a panel to the form. A panel is different from group box as it does not have a caption Rename the panel to windowPanel View the code. You will notice that the code already includes events for numeric buttons.
Microwave App Add a new class by clicking project add class and rename to time.vb Any methods or variables created in this class will be called members of this class Keyword class and end class means start and end of the class Comments are very important to describe the purpose of the class. Purpose of this class is to represent time data and its properties.
Microwave App Declare 2 instance variables: Dim minuteValue As integer Dim secondValue as Integer Value of minute will be stored in minuteValue and seconds will be stored in secondValue Each class contains instance variables and methods.
Microwave App Instance variables are variables defined in a class and are copied each time an object of that class is created. Methods in class perform certain activities e.g. or string.format. Next and format are methods defined in random and string class Constructor is a special type of methods which gets called first and initializes the classes instance variables
Microwave App A constructor is a sub procedure type of a method so it cannot return a value ' Time constructor, minute and second supplied Public Sub New(ByVal mm As Integer, ByVal ss As Integer) Minute=mm Second=ss End Sub So when creating an object of this class the statement will look like –timeObject= New Time (5,3)
Microwave App Now back in the main application declare an object of the class time under timeIs variable Dim timeObject As Time Classes also have properties which allow manipulating the instance variables e.g. to manipulate the value of variable minuteValue and secondValue, we will create two properties: minute and second.
Microwave App The property consists of two accesors –One to modify and return a value (Get accessor) e.g. minuteValue=timeObject.minute –One to assign a value (Set accessor) e.g. timeObject.minute=35. This can also be used to validate the values e.g. 0<min<59.
Microwave App Declare the property function Public Property Minute () As Integer The rest of the code will be declared automatically. Now the get accessor returns the value stored in minute so return minuteValue Set validates the minute and stores the value so check if 0<min<60 is met and assign the value.
Microwave App Public Property minute() As Integer Get Return minuteValue End Get 'set minute value Set(ByVal value As Integer) If (value < 60) Then minuteValue = value Else minuteValue = 0 End If End Set End Property Public Property second() As Integer Get Return secondValue End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) If (value < 60) Then secondValue = value Else secondValue = 0 End If End Set End Property
Microwave App Now that your class is ready, create the start button event. Dim second as Integer Dim minute as Integer timeIs=timeIs.PadLeft(4, convert.ToChar(“0”)) Padleft ensures that the string is atleast 4 characters long so 3:25 displays as 03:25 Now the first two digits represent minutes and last two represent seconds
Microwave App. Now to break the string and get minutes and seconds add the following code: Second=Convert.ToInt32(timeIs.Substring(2)) Substring(2) means start at the second position and go till the end. So 0345 will start at 4 and give 45 Minute=convert.ToInt32(timeIs.Substring(0,2)) Substring(0,2) means start at position 0 and get 2 characters. So 0345 will start at 0 and give 03.
Microwave App Create the time object timeObject = New Time(minute, second) New allocates the memory in which the time object will be stored. The constructor in class time initializes the instance variables. displayLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:d2}:{1:d2}", timeObject.minute, timeObject.second) timeIs = "" clockTimer.Enabled = True windowPanel.BackColor = Color.Yellow
Microwave App. Define the clear button event displayLabel.Text = " Microwave Owen" timeIs = "" timeObject = New Time(0, 0) clockTimer.Enabled = False windowPanel.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor
Display time sub ' method to display formatted time in timer window Sub DisplayTime() Dim second As Integer Dim minute As Integer Dim display As String If timeIs.Length > 4 Then timeIs = timeIs.Substring(0, 4) End If display = timeIs.PadLeft(4, Convert.ToChar("0")) second = Convert.ToInt32(display.Substring(2)) minute = Convert.ToInt32(display.Substring(0, 2)) displayLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:d2}:{1:d2}", minute, second) End Sub ' DisplayTime
Only thing left is the countdown If timeObject.second > 0 Then timeObject.second -= 1 ElseIf timeObject.minute > 0 Then timeObject.minute -= 1 timeObject.second = 59 Else clockTimer.Enabled = False Beep() displayLabel.Text = "Done" windowPanel.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor Return ‘ returns the control back to the application without executing any further End If displayLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:d2}:{1:d2}", timeObject.minute, timeObject.second)
Summary Declare a class Declare instance variables Declare a constructor (sub procedure that is called when class object is created). Used to initialize instance variables Declare properties of the class: Get/Set Create objects of the class and use them using dot operator
Controlling access to members Keywords public and private are called member-access modifiers. Public class objects are available to any Time object. Private makes it available to only methods and properties of the class. Instance variables are usually declared private whereas methods and properties are declared public.
Inclass group exercise 19:13 – The local bank wants you to create an application that will allow it to view clients information. The interface is given below. You need to implement the client class. Once the application is complete, the manager should be able to click the next or previous button to run through each clients information. The information is stored in arrays. Download the template of the application from here.