Planetary Defense By Joseph Branly
Introduction Planetary Defense is a fast action single player game. Based on the popular classic City Defense, Planetary Defense uses a single player’s fast mouse clicking to save the world.
Problem Description Planetary Defense is a single player game with the player trying to defend several cities from annihilation. Up to six cities will need to be defended from alien attack. Randomly from the sky many alien meteors will rain down toward the cities. Using the mouse, the player must destroy the missiles before they strike they earth. The game is level based with the player having the ability to upgrade weapons, shields, bombs and a variety of other special items. Virtual cash rewards based on player’s play will be used in the purchase of such coveted items. The world is destroyed if a player is unable to defend the cities and all of them are destroyed.
Project Discussion Approached from an OO Perspective Done in real time, so must be fast and efficient Developed with GLUT and OpenGL making it relatively OS independent
Results Due to time constraints not all functionality present yet. Works very well, even with several hundred missiles flying at targets Seems to be fun and a winner – buy it now!
Future Work Extension of weapons and available items for purchase Designed to support a large variety of textures for different levels – only 1 implemented Potentially go 3d?
Description of Team Solo mission Did all the work
References GLUT API Documentation and GLUT – Mark Kilgard OpenGL “Red Book” – OpenGL Programming Guide – OpenGL Architecture Review Board C++ How to Program 3 rd Edition - Deitel & Deitel Random internet sites for some textures including