Geography “Geography is the canvas upon which the portrait of History is painted.” -Mr. Layman
What is Geography? The “Geography” of a place answers two questions: 1. Where is the place? - Hemisphere, Continent, Latitude, Longitude… 2. What’s it like there? -Culture, politics, economics… Culture + Politics + Economics = Human Geography
Reading maps -Not just objective ‘pictures’ of the world. -They can tell us a lot about the people that made them -Different maps meant for different audiences -Ex: Road maps meant for drivers. -All maps have biases that can be read into. -Look For: -Omissions, inclusions, orientation, scale, colors and patterns
What is this map telling us?
What about this one?
Types of Maps Let’s see how many kinds of map we can list. (I will then use this space to type in all of the types of map that the students suggest. I will also ask the students to describe each type of map and tell me what it’s for. I’m looking for everything from a political world map to the floor plan of a building we will also talk about possible biases of each kind of map)
The effects of Geography Think about it: How does geography affect people: –In our local area? –In New York State? –In the United States? What does geography effect? –Culture – How? –Economics – How? –Politics – How?
No History without Geography Geography plays a major role with literally EVERY person, group of people, place and event we will be studying this year. It affected them, just like it affects us. –Economics –Politics –Culture