Comparing Podcast, Blogs and Wiki By: Meagan Sanders CSC 101
Podcast Def. Distribution of audio or video files such as radio programs or music videos, over the internet using either RSS or Atom syndiction for listening on mobile devices and personal computers. The term Podcast, like radio, can mean both the constant and the method of delivery. (source- wiki) Def. Distribution of audio or video files such as radio programs or music videos, over the internet using either RSS or Atom syndiction for listening on mobile devices and personal computers. The term Podcast, like radio, can mean both the constant and the method of delivery. (source- wiki)
Podcast continued Directory Link: Directory Link: Podcast of Personal interest: Podcast of Personal interest:
Blog Def.- website in which items are posted and displayed with the newest at the top. Def.- website in which items are posted and displayed with the newest at the top. Directory Link: - Directory Link: Blog link of personal interest:- / Blog link of personal interest:- / / /
Wiki Def: - the free encyclopedia that anyone can use Def: - the free encyclopedia that anyone can use Link: - Link: -
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