CDF D0 Supersymmetry at the Tevatron R. Demina University of Rochester
2 20 years of SUSY And still, no one is prettier… “We like the way she walks, We like the way she talks” but… God damn it, where is she?
3 Outline Data sets Tri-leptons Jets and missing energy –Straight up –With heavy flavor Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking – photons with missing energy Long-lived particles Conclusions
4 Run II data taking Presented analyses are based on pre-shutdown data <200pb -1
5 SUSY production at Tevatron 200 pb -1 –10 13 collisions –80 chargino/ neutralino (3l) events produced –800 squark/gluino events produced To control backgrounds searches based on “signatures”: 3 or more physics objects
6 Tri-leptons Chargino/neutralino production – three leptons and missing energy signature Main challenge - weak production low cross sections –LEP limits are very restrictive Need extremely well controlled backgrounds 3e2e 33 2e2e ee(l) e (l) Leptonic branching are enhanced if sleptons are lighter than gauginos (l ) – isolated track = e,
7 ee+lepton 2 Electrons: EM cluster+track match P T >12 (8) GeV | |<1.1 (3.0) 1.Anti-Z –15<Mee<60 GeV – (ee)<2.8 2.Anti-W (e )+ –>=1hit in silicon or tighter electron likelihood 3.Anti tt –Veto jets with E T >80GeV 4.Anti-Drell Yan –Missing E T >20GeV – (eMET)>0.4 Potential signal 175pb -1
8 ee+lepton 5.Lepton = isolated track: –P T >3GeV 6.Etmiss x PT(track)>250GeV (signal)=2-3%
9 Tri-leptons Summary after all cuts: ChannelDataTotal SM background e e l10.27 0.42 0.02 e 0.37 0.18 e l00.54 0.24 0.04 0.06 0.02 Add isolated track with P T >3 GeV
10 Combined tri-leptons Run 1 cross section limit much improved Soon will reach MSugra prediction (in the best scenario with low slepton masses)
11 Jets and missing energy Squarks and gluions: Strong production –larger cross section, –but really large instrumental backgrounds (2 orders of magnitude over SM processes) 4 events left 2.67 expected from SM sources (Z/W production) 17.1 event expected for M 0 =25,M 1/2 =100GeV 85 pb -1 2 jets E T >60 (50) GeV 30< (jet,MET)<165 o Final cuts: Missing E T >175 GeV H T >275 GeV
12 Squarks and gluinos M 0 =25GeV; A 0 =0; tan =3; <0 M(gluino)>333GeV Run 1 – 310 GeV M(squark)>292GeV
13 B-jets and missing energy High tan( ) scenario under study: sbottom is lighter than other squarks and gluino 4b-jets+missing energy >=3jets (E T >10 GeV) Missing E T >35 GeV 1 b-tag – events SM predicted - 4 observed 2 b-tags – events SM predicted - 1 observed
14 Met Gauge mediated SUSY breaking at scale Gravitino – LSP NLSP (neutralino) LSP Dominant SUSY mode: 185 pb -1 Signature – 2 photons, missing energy P T (photon)>20 GeV in | |<1.1 1 event survived 2.5±0.5 expected from SM Missing E T >40 GeV
15 Long Live Particles! LSP – charged particle, or NLSP – charged particle (e.g. stop) with long decay time Signature – isolated track of a rather slow particle Use TOF system (CDF) BG prediction of 2.9 +/- 0.7 (stat) +/- 3.1 (sys), with 7 observed d
16 Conclusions Tevatron detectors produce solid physics results based on datasets of up to 185 pb -1 SUSY limits extended beyond run 1: –In trilepton signature –Missing energy and jets –Missing energy and b-jets –GMSB in diphoton final state New system (TOF) used to search for long lived particles