ENERGY a project-based approach
Anchor Video Schoolhouse Rock! – Energy Blues Source: Time Idea _ 0:05 Can we run out of energy? 0:15 Need energy for heat, light, movement 0:30 Produce from hydroelectricity 0:35 Produce from wind 0:47 Need some kind of fuel: 0:50 Wood 1:20 Coal 1:31 New research led to innovations 1:42 Oil 2:15 Nuclear, Geothermal, Solar 2:25 Energy Conservation
Kansas Science Standards CHEMISTRY – The student will develop an understanding of the structure of atoms, compounds, chemical reactions, and the interactions of energy and matter. Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 PHYSICS – The student will develop an understanding of the structure of atoms, compounds, chemical reactions, and the interactions of energy and matter. LIFE SCIENCE – The student will develop an understanding of the cell, molecular basis of heredity, biological evolution, interdependence of organisms, matter, energy, and organization in living systems, and the behavior of organisms. Benchmark 4 Benchmark 5 EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE – The student will develop an understanding of energy in the earth system, geochemical cycles, the formation and organization of the earth system, the dynamics of the earth/moon/sun system, and the organization and development of the universe HISTORY AND NATURE OF SCIENCE – The student will develop understanding of science as a human endeavor, the nature of scientific knowledge, and historical perspectives.
Mini-Experiments Wet Cell Battery Faraday’s Loop How energy is stored Quantitative understanding: How much energy does it take: light bulb, LED Faraday’s Loop How are magnetism and electricity different? BONUS: Practice with setting up experiments and testing a hypothesis.
Driving Question Dangers Technology Origins of the Universe Travel War What effects have developed from our understanding of energy? Dangers Technology Origins of the Universe Travel War
Grading the Research Project Task Points Hypothesis 10 Formal Proposal 10 Checkpoint 1 10 Checkpoint 2 10 Poster 25 Presentation 25 Final Report 30 Lab Notebook 30 Total 150