University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Technologies that Enhance Learning W. Lewis Johnson Center for Advanced Research in.


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Presentation transcript:

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Technologies that Enhance Learning W. Lewis Johnson Center for Advanced Research in Technology for Education (CARTE) Univ. of So. Calif. / Info. Sci. Inst.

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Purpose of CARTE n CARTE is: the Center for Advanced Research in Technology for Education at USC / ISI n CARTE is a leader in: ä Developing new technologies ä Applying them in real learning environments n Our goal: instruction that is ä More responsive to student needs ä More interactive and collaborative ä Motivating and engaging

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS The Next Wave: On-Line Education n Colleges are increasingly delivering instruction on line ä Learning materials (lectures, notes) accessed via the Web ä Homework submitted via or on-line quizzes ä On-line discussions instead of classroom discussions ä Course data managed by course management systems (e.g., Blackboard, Mallard)

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Shortcomings of On-Line Instruction n Most on-line courses do not differ significantly from conventional courses n Guidance and feedback are limited ä Scoring of right & wrong answers ä places new burdens on instructor n Limited ability to fit the needs and interests of individual learners

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Example: Introductory Chemistry at USC n Department of Chemistry has incorporated technology extensively into curriculum ä Online grades, and exam keys ä 3D chemical models, animations ä Interactive tutorials, web quizzes ä Simulations n Still, they identified unmet needs: ä Tutorials that adapt to learner responses ä Exercises that focus on learning and applying chemical principles

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Objectives of Our Research n On-line multimedia that significantly improves (on) classroom instruction ä Lessons that keep learners highly motivated ä Interactive problem solving experiences, with guidance and feedback ä Software that helps learners meet individual learning goals

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS What the Student Sees Now (on demand web cast) Microsoft Media Player PDF or PowerPoint

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS USC DEN – Webcasting (updates) Live chat, polling, etc. Source encoding High resolution image sync. direct from multiple sources) (computer, video, document camera)

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS DEN Technology In The Future n More use of on-line lecture notes and exercises, less talking head video n Improve learning experience for remote AND on-campus students n More support for interactive, collaborative exercises n Greater use of innovative technologies, e.g., guidebots

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Guidebots n Animated characters that: ä Interact with students in learning envs. ä Model skills being taught ä Help keep learning on track ä Act as guides, tutors, teammates ä Engage in instructional dialog ä Enhance motivation and interest

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Guidebot-Assisted Learning Projects at CARTE n Virtual reality training environments ä Application: military training n Interactive multimedia dramas ä Application: health communications n On-line guided problem solving ä Applications: medicine, dentistry, chemistry, engineering

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Roles of Guidebot n To provide voiceover commentary n To ask and answer questions n To offer advice and guidance n To assess learner knowledge n To intervene motivationally

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Lessons from Educational Psychology n Course should support active learning ä Guidebots support individual initiative and sense- making activities n Course should obey principles of multimedia learning ä Guidebots are designed to obey these principles n Course should enhance learner motivation ä Guidebots enhance both cognitive and motivational aspects of learning

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Lessons from Expert Tutors n Expert tutors attend to both motivational and cognitive factors (Lepper et al., 1993) ä Inspiring learner curiosity and interest ä Challenging learners to test their limits ä Offering help and reassurance when they encounter difficulties n Our goal is to impart these characteristics into educational software

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Adele (Shaw, Johnson, Ganeshan) n Designed for use with Web- based courseware n Application: case-based health science courseware n Monitors students solving cases n Gives advice, hints, feedback n Explains rationales for actions n Intervenes if the student makes serious mistakes n Evaluates student performance n Records student performance for later review

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Applications of Adele n Emergency trauma care ä Collaborator: Beverly Wood, MD n Clinical problem solving in medicine ä Collaborators: Allan Abbott, MD, Beverly Wood, MD n Clinical problem solving in dentistry ä Collaborators: Roseann Mulligan, DDS, School of Gerontology

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Examples

Components of Diagnostic Tutoring n Probablilistic reasoner ä To evaluate hypotheses and actions n Diagnostic strategy tracking n Student model ä To select content for interventions n Tutorial strategy

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Student Model n Current implementation tracks student’s understanding of causal relations between physiology and disease ä Reflects instructional objectives for undergraduate medical instruction n Overlay model updated ä When tutor informs the learner of relationship ä When student confirms knowledge of relationship

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Diagnostic Focus of Attention Cough Chronic air passage obstruction Chronic bronchial inflammation Chronic bronchitis Smoking = instructional objective Current focus of attention Recurrent viral infections

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Mission Rehearsal Exercise (ICT)

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS An Evaluation of Adele n HBR version tested in focus group test with medical students ä Students worked in dyads n Findings: ä Students liked the way Adele uses hints to lead them in the right direction ä Students tended to ask for hints only when Adele prevented students from proceeding (at diagnosis) ä Students liked Adele’s questions about motivation, and spent significant time discussing them

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Relevant Principles of Multimedia Learning n Guidebots work in part because they adhere to the principles of multimedia learning: ä Multimedia Principle ä Temporal Contiguity Principle ä Coherence Principle ä Modality Principle ä Individual Differences Principle

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Other Relevant Psychological Factors n Motivational factors: ä Control ä Curiosity ä Challenge ä Confidence n Cognitive factors: ä Goal orientation ä Inquiry and self-explanation ä Meta-cognition ä Learning through problem solving

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Problem 1 n Describe an instructional technology method that supports collaborative learning. Address the following questions: ä How does collaboration promote learning? ä Under what conditions is it most effective in promoting learning? ä What makes your particular method effective, and why?

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Problem 2 n Describe an instructional technology method that supports problem solving. Address the following questions: ä How does problem solving promote learning? ä Under what conditions is it most effective in promoting learning? ä What makes your particular method effective, and why?

University of Southern California, Information Sciences InstituteAPS Problem 3 n Describe an instructional technology method that employs multimedia. Address the following questions: ä How does multimedia promote learning? ä Under what conditions is it most effective in promoting learning? ä What makes your particular method effective, and why?