The Age of George III
Change Challenged assumptions New King
Historiography Debates among historians Whig Interpretation of History
Sir Lewis Namier Prosopography (Namierization)
Sir Herbert Butterfield Limited questions bring inaccurate results What people talk about at the time has meaning
George III’s Personality Morally consistent Respectable Admired learning
George III’s Library
George III’s Library (1851)
Enlightened Despotism Frederick the Great (Prussia) Catherine the Great (Russia) Joseph II (Austria)
1760s King sought reliable minister Lord Bute Decade of experimentation
1770s Lord North
Case of John Wilkes Beginning of radical impulse North Briton No. 45 General Warrants Essay on Woman
Results General warrants unconstitutional Middlesex voters rights upheld Interest in Parliamentary debates increased Supporters of the Bill of Rights Clear political reform program
Wilkes and Liberty