Sponsored Projects Brio User’s Group Meeting February 26, 2004 Dan Dwyer Tom Loiacono
Future Brio Models: Combined SponsDW/ADW Consulting Agreements Patent/Inventions Current Brio Models: Award/Proposal Subcontracts
Agenda Subcontract Data Overview Demonstration of new Brio documents Q&A on any Sponsor Projects Data Warehouse topics
Sponsored Subcontract Data Mart Overview
Subcontracts “ When the portion of effort being performed by a third party constitutes a substantive component of the sponsored program, the third party is required to provide the resources and personnel necessary to conduct that portion of the work as an independent contractor.” Office of Sponsored Programs Subcontracting Procedures (
Subcontracts A subcontract is always associated with a single prime award Some prime awards have many subcontracts Subcontractors are usually other colleges, universities or research institutions Other subcontractors include government agencies and individuals Subcontract management is guided by OMB Circular A-21
Subcontract Model Subcontract HistoryStatus Group Prime Project Summary Subcontractor Profile
Subcontract Table Subcontracts do not have proposals, but … Subcontracts may have one or more amendments. Never more than one amendment with status “signed by all parties” Possible multiple pending amendments Superceded amendments are stored in an archive table (not yet available via published Brio models) Data elements include those entered in subcontract request plus others added by GCO
Active and Pending Subcontract Status Codes SIPC-In Process by Cornell SIN-In Negotiation SPC-Pending Compliances SS-Signed by Cornell SSAP-Signed by All Parties SPA-Pending Amendment
Closed Subcontract Status Codes SAC-Awaiting Closeout SC-Closed SNA-Not Accepted SNF-Not Funded
Subcontract Status Groups Because of the complexity and number of codes, OSP uses a number of special terms to refer to groups of statuses: “Pending Subcontract": (status of SIPC, SIN, SPC, SS or SPA) The department has requested a subcontract. The subcontract (or follow-on amendment) is in process. "Active Subcontract": (status of SSAP) The subcontract documents have been signed. The project work is underway. There may or may not be amendments under consideration. "Pending & Active Subcontract": (status of SIPC, SIN, SPC, SS, SPA or SSAP) The sponsors has indicated that they will fund the award or amendment. The award documents may or may not have been signed.
Subcontract Status Groups
Active Subcontracts Pending Subcontracts SIPCSIN SS SPC SPA SSAP Pending & Active Subcontracts SAC SC SNA SNF All Subcontracts
Subcontractor Profile Table Includes: Subcontractor name (2 levels) Contact information FDP indicator Source (Fed Govt, NYS, Corp, Non-profit) Various classifications (Small business, HBCU, veteran, individual)
Prime Project Summary Table Provides linkage to prime award information Contains most common prime award data elements that might be required for a query Principal Investigator Department Sponsor Sponsor source Prime amount and time period Prime status There is a single prime project record per subcontract.
Subcontract History Table Event code and description Date Comment Other event specific fields related to budget and time period changes There will usually be many events per subcontract
Summary Comments Subcontract Data Mart can be used to monitor activity within your area Reports have been provided to assist you in using the information Subcontract HistoryStatus Group Prime Project Summary Subcontractor Profile