Agenda for February 1 Administrative Items/Announcements Attendance Office hours today for Thursday’s discussants Finish last week’s exercise: Research Methods Introduction to 1 st Debate
Are Cognition & Emotion Separate Systems? Arguments Supporting 1 st View: Interdependent Systems Two-factor theories of emotion (arousal + cognitive interpretation/attribution) Appraisal theories of emotion Emotional impact of interrupted schemas and relationship goals Emotional impact of counterfactual thought
Two-Factor Theories Two classic studies on undifferentiated affect: Schachter & Singer (1962); Dutton & Aron (1974) Focus on Dutton & Aron today Participants: male college students Design: 2 (bridge type) x 2 (sex of confederate researcher) Procedure: Participants asked to complete questionnaire and given phone number “in case participant wants more information about the study.” Results: Any guesses?
An alternative explanation: Relief, rather than arousal, drives affiliation White et al. (1981) Arousal without distress Participants: male college students Design: 2 (minutes of exercise: 2, 15) x 2 (make up on woman in videotape: attractive, unattractive) Procedure: Run in place then watch videotape of woman you expect to meet. Results: Any guesses?
Rated Attractiveness 2 minutes 15 minutes Attractive Woman Unattractive Woman Arousal, without distress, intensifies emotional reactions – positive or negative
Do these effects emerge because people misattribute their arousal? Theoretical premise of two-factor theories: people misattribute the source of their arousal to the salient target. Evidence for this? Foster et al (1998) Review of 33 studies Arousal-attraction effect exists even when people know the actual source of their arousal Arousal simply facilitates whatever is the most natural response