Carleton University Awards & Financial Aid Office _______________________________________________________________________ Applying for OSAP Carleton University Awards & Financial Aid Office
What is OSAP? _______________________________________________________________________________ Ontario Student Assistance Program Run by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) Funded by the provincial and federal governments Provides financial assistance to full time students in the form of loans, grants, scholarships & bursaries Note the difference between a loan vs grant and a scholarship vs. bursary
Terms _______________________________________________________________________________ Loan: Money that you borrow; a type of debt. Through OSAP, you are borrowing money from the governments of Canada and/or Ontario. You will need to repay the loan and any interest. Grant (Bursary): A type of funding you don’t have to pay back. Grants are awarded based on financial need. Scholarship: A type of funding you don’t have to pay back. Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit.
The Purpose of OSAP _______________________________________________________________________________ Supplement the financial resources available to you, and your family to meet your educational costs Aims to provide equality of opportunity for all Ontario students pursuing postsecondary studies
How Your Financial Need is Determined __________________________________________________________________________________________ Allowable Educational Costs Expected Financial Contribution Calculated Financial Need Tuition and compulsory fees Books & supplies Equipment Computer costs Personal living expenses Child care Travel Student income Student’s assets Parental income OR Spousal income/assets Loans Grants/bursaries Scholarships
Eligibility Requirements _______________________________________________________________________________ Be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or Protected Person Meet Ontario Residency requirements Be enrolled in an approved postsecondary school Be taking at least 60% of a full course load
Applying for OSAP _______________________________________________________________________________ Create an Account Start a New Application Fill in the Application Print your Signature Pages Check your Status MAY DELETE!
1. Creating an Account _______________________________________________________________________________ You will need to create a new account to get your personal Ontario Access Number (OAN) and create a password Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 NOTE: Once you have been given an OAN, write it down! This number will not change.
2. Starting a New Application _______________________________________________________________________________ Next, you will login with your OAN and password Click; Then click; Note: Carefully read through the Application Agreement, your responsibilities, and Applicant’s Declaration before selecting “Agree” and proceeding.
3. The Application _______________________________________________________________________________ There are 8 components to the OSAP application a. School you plan to attend b. Program & study period information c. Determining eligibility d. Your Personal Information e. Your Financial Information f. Your Parents’ Information g. Other Aid h. Review & Submit
a. /b. School & Program Info a. Enter the name of the postsecondary school you plan to attend b. Enter your program in “Option 1” Ex. Bachelor of Arts On the next page, you will need to select the year of program you are entering Selecting your program and year will populate study period dates Next, fill in your course load (typically 100%) and answer the questions re; disability
c. Eligibility _______________________________________________________________________________ Citizenship Information = Current Status = Residency Information =
d. Personal Information _______________________________________________________________________________ This section of the application will ask for a variety of information, including Basic Personal information Address and Correspondence information Previous Education information Your Living Situation Release of Personal information
d. Personal Info Cont. ______________________________________________________________________ Basic Personal information = name, date of birth, gender and Social Insurance Number Address & Correspondence = Permanent and Mailing address, preferred language of communication and e-mail address
Previous Education Information d. Personal Info Cont. _______________________________________________________________________________ Previous Education Information High School Information If you are graduating this year, the date you will input as the last time you attended high school should be June/11 It is important to put in the correct date, an error here could change your status and eligibility Previous Postsecondary Studies
d. Personal Info Cont. _______________________________________________________________________________ Living Situation Asks about where you will be living during the summer before school and while you are in school Your estimated travel expense should reflect the more inexpensive means of travel (Not a first class ticket) Release of Information It is important to read this section carefully before making a decision
e. Your Financial Info _______________________________________________________________________________ This section of your application is VERY important! Read carefully and be accurate. This section, in large part, will help determine your estimate. The more accurate you are in this section, the more accurate your estimate will be.
e. Your Financial Info Cont Pre-Study Income The first part of this section asks about your total income for 2011, your income during your last semester of high school, and your income during the summer months Pay close attention to the dates listed for each question Flip back and forth between this slide and next TIP: Fill out total income for 2011 last. Fill out all other income sections first, it will be easier to calculate your total income for the year once you have calculated your income for the designated periods.
e. You Financial Info Cont This section asks about your expected income while you are in school Under the “Government Income” section do not include GST, HST, income tax refund etc. Should only include things like; Canada Pension Plan or Ontario Disability Support Program etc. When using these estimates to calculate your total expected income for 2011, keep in mind that the amounts asked for in this section include 4 months of 2012, so calculate the total carefully. Study Period Income
Parent’s Information _______________________________________________________________________________ For OSAP purposes, if you have not been out of high school for 4 years, or have dependent children of your own, you are required to include your parents information into your application What Your Parents Will Need to Do: Have filed their 2010 income tax with Revenue Canada Provide you, or help you fill out, personal information regarding their Social Insurance Numbers, family information and income Sign Signature and Declaration pages once you submit your application verifying the information provided, pertaining to them, is correct Note: If your parents have not filed their taxes, or you do not fill in this section, you may not be considered for all grants available through OSAP.
f. Parent’s Info Cont. _______________________________________________________________________________ Depending on your parent’s marital status, one, or both of them will need to help you fill in the following sections. Personal Information
f. Parent’s Info Cont. _______________________________________________________________________________ Income Information The easiest way to get this information is for your parents to refer to their 2010 Notice of Assessment It is important for this information to be accurate, it will influence the estimate provided to you after submitting your application and your entitlement Parental Consent Your parents should read this carefully, their income will be verified by Canada Revenue They will also consent to this when they sign their Signature and Declaration Pages
g. Other Aid _______________________________________________________________________________ In this section, you will be asked if you would like to be considered for a Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship (select YES!) You will also be asked if you are a crown ward (HINT: If you aren’t sure what a crown ward is, you probably aren’t one)
QEII/A4T _______________________________________________________________________________ By checking one box on the OSAP application you apply for this scholarship This award is based on academic merit, and is not repayable The maximum amount a student can receive is $3500, the minimum is $100 This scholarship is renewable for a maximum of 4 years
h. Review & Submit _______________________________________________________________________________ Just like it sounds! Review the information you have input into your application Hit “Submit” Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an estimate WORK ON
Your Estimate _______________________________________________________________________________ Once you have completed, and submitted your application online, you will receive an estimate; caution. Estimate: The approximate amount of funding you may be eligible to receive based on the unverified information you have input into your application. This amount is subject to change once official processing, and verification of this information begins Entitlement: The amount of OSAP you have been approved to receive for the academic year.
Progress Report _______________________________________________________________________________ Create an Account Start a New Application Fill in the Application Print your Signature Pages Check your Status
Signature Pages _______________________________________________________________________________ At this point, you have finished filling out to OSAP Application, but it has not been fully submitted until you print your Signature and Declaration Pages and submit them to your postsecondary school Listed here will also be Signature and Declaration pages for your parents, and any other supporting documentation you may need to provide If anything is listed here, make a note of it, and attach it to your Signature and Declaration pages before mailing, or dropping them off to your postsecondary school
Signature Pages Cont. _______________________________________________________________________________
Check Your Status _______________________________________________________________________________ Keeping updated on the status of your application is important! Check the OSAP website, or new OSAP mobile app., and your e-mail. Throughout the summer, it is likely that you will be receiving emails about the next step of picking up and processing your loan!
Your Responsibilities _______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Report information accurately, and to the best of your knowledge on your application 2. Meet the deadlines 3. Immediately report any changes to, or errors on your application to your Awards & Financial Aid Office
Important Notes _______________________________________________________________________________ There are 5 things you should remember Apply early! Your application can take 8-10 weeks to process When filling out the application, be as accurate as possible and don’t rush Submit your Signature and Declaration pages! Check your status You have responsibilities! Know them and fulfill them More information and application available @ Presented by Carleton University’s Awards & Financial Aid Office