PALM-3000 PALM-3000 Instrument Requirements Antonin Bouchez PALM-3000 Requirements Review November 12, 2007
PALM Instrument Requirements Doc. Instrument Requirements Document: The IRD contains high-level requirements in the following areas: General Constraints Environmental Assumptions and Constraints High-level Functional Requirements for: –Installation –Configuration –Acquisition –Wavefront Sensing –Wavefront Correction –Calibration High-level Performance Requirements for: – Transmission – Background Emission – Dithering – Pupil Stability – Distortion – Residual Wavefront Error – Telemetry Recording
PALM Wavelength Range Transmission requirements from telescope focus to AO science focus: Note: NGSV transmission assumes that 50% of visible light goes to HOWFS.
PALM Residual Wavefront Error (1) NGS observing modes, 20 s integration: NGS observing modes, 30 min integration:
PALM Residual Wavefront Error (2) LGS observing modes, 20 s integration: LGS observing modes, 30 min integration:
PALM-3000 TWFS patrol range HOWFS patrol range Science field PHARO 40” field 6 Field of View IRD-325: PALM-3000 shall provide an unvignetted science field of view of at least 60 arcsec circular diameter (90 arcsec goal). IRD-330: The NGS unvignetted technical field of view (e.g. the patrol range) for the TWFS and the TTWFS in PALM-3000 shall be at least 180 arcsec circular diameter (240 arcsec goal). IRD-335: In NGS mode, the unvignetted technical field of view (e.g. the patrol range) for the HOWFS shall be at least 90 arcsec circular diameter (120 arcsec goal).
PALM Pointing and distortion stability IRD-350: PALM-3000 will be capable of acquiring a science taret to a specific location on the science instrument to within 25 mas accuracy. IRD-380: Dither precision shall be better than 25 mas for dithers of less than 2 arcsec. IRD-395: PALM-3000 shall maintain output stability to 10 mas (5 mas goal) (peak to peak) during a 30 minute exposure… IRD-410: Astrometric errors due to uncalibratable spatial and temporal plate scale fluctuations should not exceed that induced by atmospheric tilt anisoplanatism…
PALM Observing Efficiency IRD-485: The elapsed time from end of telescope slew until initiation of a closed-loop NGS science integration shall be less than 2 minutes using mV = 12 NGS (goal 1 minute). IRD-485: The elapsed from end of telescope slew until initiation of a closed-loop LGS science integration shall be less than 10 minutes using mV = 18 NGS (goal 5 minutes). IRD-495: PALM-3000 shall reconfigure from any LGS mode to any NGS mode (same science instrument) in less than 30 minutes (10 minute goal). This time is defined as elapsed from the end of the last LGS science exposure to the opening of the NGS science exposure, assuming no telescope slew time.
PALM Reliability IRD-500: Less than 10% of nighttime during open NGS observing shall be lost to system failures, averaged over an observing semester (5% goal). IRD-505: Less than 15% of nighttime during open LGS observing shall be lost to system failures, averaged over an observing semester (10% goal).
PALM-3000 Extra Slides
PALM Flexure compensation demo Flexure compensation via open-loop tracking with LOWFS (Feb 2007)