MODERN AUDITING 7th Edition William C. Boynton California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo Raymond N. Johnson Portland State University Walter G. Kell University of Michigan Developed by: Dr. Raymond N. Johnson, CPA Gregory K. Lowry, MBA, CPA John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 20: Reporting on Audited Financial Statements Standards of Reporting The Standard Auditor’s Report Departures from the Standard Auditor’s Report Other Reporting Considerations
1st Reporting Standard The report shall state whether the financial statements are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
1st Reporting Standard The auditor’s opinion as to conformity with GAAP should be based on his or her judgment as to whether: The accounting principles selected and applied have general acceptance The accounting principles are appropriate in the circumstances The financial statements, including the related notes, are informative of matters that may affect their use, understanding, and interpretation The information presented in the financial statements is classified and summarized in a reasonable manner The statements reflect the underlying events and transactions in a manner that presents the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows within reasonable and practicable limits
2nd Reporting Standard The report shall identify those circumstances in which such principles have not been consistently observed in the current period in relation to the preceding period. Objectives Assurance about comparability Reporting when comparability has been affected by material changes in accounting principles
3rd Reporting Standard Informative disclosures in the financial statements are to be regarded as reasonably adequate unless otherwise stated in the report. Objectives Assurance about disclosure Reporting when disclosure is inadequate
4th Reporting Standard The report shall either contain: An expression of opinion regarding the financial statements, taken as a whole, or An assertion to the effect that an opinion cannot be expressed. When an overall opinion cannot be expressed, the reasons therefore should be stated. In all cases where an auditor’s name is associated with financial statements, the report should contain a clear-cut indication of the character of the auditor’s work, if any, and the degree of responsibility the auditor is taking.
The Standard Auditor’s Report Title: Independent Auditor’s Report Introductory Paragraph Scope Paragraphs Opinion Paragraph Signature Date
Non-Standard Auditor’s Reports Unqualified Opinion with Additional Explanatory Language Departures from GAAP Qualified Opinion Adverse Opinion Scope Limitations Disclaimer of Opinion
Unqualified Opinion with Additional Explanatory Language Inconsistent application of GAAP Change to an acceptable method that is adequately disclosed Going concern Substantial doubt Emphasis of a matter Auditor choice
Unqualified Opinion with Additional Explanatory Language Report Format Standard Introductory Paragraph Standard Scope Paragraph Standard Opinion Paragraph Explanatory Paragraph
Unqualified Opinion with Additional Explanatory Language Shared Scope The decision not to refer Auditor is well known to the principle auditor Work has been performed under the principle auditor’s guidance and review Principle auditor reviews programs and working papers The decision to refer Does not meet criteria above Inquiries made about professional reputation Representation from other auditor about independence Auditor outside the U.S. is knowledgeable about US GAAP and US GAAS
Unqualified Opinion with Additional Explanatory Language Shared Scope Report Format Modify Introductory Paragraph to describe sharing of scope Modify Scope Paragraph to Indicate that opinion was based on your audit, and the audit of other auditors. Modify Opinion Paragraph to indicate you opinion was based on your audit and the report of other auditors
Unqualified Opinion with Additional Explanatory Language Nonconformity with GAAP Necessary for Fair Presentation Standard Introductory Paragraph Standard Scope Paragraph Explanatory Paragraph States circumstances Explains that the use of an alternative principle is justified Standard Opinion Paragraph
Departure from GAAP Qualified Opinion or Adverse Opinion Difference between Qualified and Adverse The dollar magnitude of the effects The significance of the item to the client The pervasiveness to the misstatement (number of statements items affected) The effect of the misstatement on the financial statements taken as a whole
Qualified Opinion Report Format Standard introductory paragraph Standard scope paragraph Explanatory paragraph that describes the nature and magnitude of the departure from GAAP. Qualify opinion on the financial statements and refer to the preceding paragraph.
Adverse Opinion Report Format Standard introductory paragraph Standard scope paragraph Explanatory paragraph that describes the nature and magnitude of the departure from GAAP. Issue an adverse opinion that financial statements do not present fairly and refer to the preceding paragraph.
Scope Limitations Qualified Opinion or Disclaimer of Opinion Material Circumstance Imposed Hired after the beginning of the year Inadequate records Disclaimer of Opinion Material Client Imposed Very Material Circumstance Imposed
Qualified Opinion - Scope Report Format Standard introductory paragraph Refer to a following paragraph that describes the scope limitation and then continue with the standard scope paragraph Explanatory paragraph that describes the nature and magnitude of the scope limitation. Express a qualified opinion in the opinion paragraph with reference to the explanatory paragraph.
Disclaimer of Opinion Report Format Omit the last sentence of the introductory paragraph Omit the scope paragraph Explanatory paragraph that describes the nature and magnitude of the scope limitation. Disclaim opinion on the financial statements.
Other Reporting Considerations Reporting when the CPA is not independent Circumstances concerning comparative financial statements Information accompanying audited financial statements Financial statements prepared for use in other countries.
Auditor is Not Independent One paragraph report stating: That the auditor is not independent, The financial statements were not audited, and The firm does not express an opinion on the financial statements.
Comparative Financial Statements Different Opinions (AU 508.67) Updating an opinion (AU 508.68) Change in auditors (AU 508.70)
Information Accompanying Audited Financial Statements Supplementary information is an essential part of an entity’s financial reporting. (AU 550 / 558) Limited procedures Inquiry Comparison of the information for consistency with other available data Standard report, except: Required supplementary information is omitted Material departure from prescribed guidelines Auditor unable to complete prescribed procedures Auditor is unable to remove substantial doubts about whether the information conforms to prescribed guidelines
Financial Statements Prepared for Use in Other Countries (AU 534) If for use in Other Country ONLY U.S. Style Report Report of the Other Country If for use in the U.S. Qualified or Adverse Opinion, depending upon the departure from U.S. GAAP